PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

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PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Family_Dog »


I've made this in to a separate sticky so that the details don't get swallowed by our other posts.

Please read the story under "Sending Noodroep", and then pledge whatever you can into their Bank Account, details hereunder:

NAME OF ACCOUNT:---- Estelle Booyse
BANK:----------------------- FNB
ACC No.: ------------------- 62163097887
BRANCH CODE ----------- 271144 ...OR...
BRANCH:------------------- TRICHARDT,TVL


Guys, let's show our true Hilux Spirit and support Willie & Estelle. Read through the thread that Mac posted and see what these people are doing with their wonderful Mission work up North. If we can each donate something, no matter how small, it is going for a good cause and is in Spirit with this time of the Year. Christmas is about giving, not just receiving! And the Mission work is stumped without transport, let's see what we can do about that!

You may remain anonymous by just inserting "Hilux4x4" in place of your name as a reference for them, they will know what it's all about.

Mac, I'm sure you will keep us updated from time to time how the donations are going.

The Moderators~

White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
Hound Dog: 2000 2.7i SC 4x4

One Staffie, One Jack Russell, One Ring Neck Screecher, 17 Fish of questionable heritage

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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by BenHur »


Just a quick question, are we all just going to donate money or are we going to "get our hands dirty"? By dirty hands I mean are we going to try and source them a decent engine and gearbox and arrange transport up there. Remember one thing, they are away from civilization and can not simply drive to the corner shop to buy spares like us, so money alone is not always the answer. I for one would not mind giving up some of my time as well to get involved, but then I need some support from my fellow forum goers as well. Think about it and then we resume the discussion later in the week after Christmas. May members will also only be back after new year.

So lets just get consensus here before we start depositing money ;)

I cannot post to much today as we are “stuck” :twisted: here in the bush at De Wildt since Saturday and the connection here is roaming on MTN but at 2G speed so it is crawling slower then me over the trail :)

Merry Chritmas to you all :!: :P
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Kagiso »

Hi BenH/B [kan mens laat dink aan HARD BODY !!!! waar pas daai bul stukkie in? ek dog jy's leeu ? :twisted: ]Bennie - What I 'm trying to say - thanx many millions for your input in this drive - there is NO WAY I can help Willie on my own...

Maybe we should just have one thread on this subject? As I've posted Willie's comment on the other post. Willie says not to worry about getting hands dirty as his brother is a motor mech and also in Botswana. Its the parts & such that's the crisis right now.,

BUT then again: There is nothing stopping a "bakkie vol manne" traveling up there and give them a hand any way. (Early in the New Year??) KRY JOU PASPOORT REG !!

E-mail Willie & family and just wish them well - that is already worth A LOT !!!

Thanx every one.

I'm off for a while [till 1 January] - so we will speak then.
Greetings & Regards & The most Blessed Christmas of your lives tomorrow.

Thanx guys.
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Kagiso »

Goeie naand!
Bly om te sien julle is weer tuis, hoop julle kon darem so bietjie rus ook. Dankie vir seenwense, baie sms'e en dat ons jou gedagtes kon ontwrig al het jy probeer rus. Dis nou maar hoe ons sendelinge is, klou soos 'n neut. More kom Gawie en Dina hulle ook hier langs, gaan probeer mokoro ry, wat is daar by hulle, seker net donkies of hoe? Chris Mans en 'n paar vriende is ook Vrydag hierlangs, Martin Breek stuur groete. Wat die wiele aanbetref, alles is maar stil oor die feestyd gewees, tot op hede is daar R250-00 inbetaal.
Slaap lekkerrr!

BenHur - - moet 'k hirri vertaal ter wille van of issi manne genoegsaam die taal magtig?
Groete: Oom Mac [aka KAGISO]
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by DOELLOOS »

Moet bieg, het eers vandag my betaling gemaak... :oops:
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Kagiso »

You know guys, its items like this that strengthens one's BELIEF. Thanks to all who donated - there are no big or small donations .... whatever is HUGE. Especially for Willie & Family. As is, their total livelyhood depends on contributions. They have one fixed source of P600 [Pula = ± R130 to the Pula] So, whatever, if only a prayer, even a thought, or e-mail or SMS with well wishes - to them it means so much. [As much as a hug from your Mama when you were little and scratched your knees falling off your bicycle]
Oops - sorry, I'm preaching. Just wanted to say THANK YOU.
1000 Bybels.JPG
Bibles collected for Willie's Mission and map of the area Willie serves.
Bibles collected for Willie's Mission and map of the area Willie serves.
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by DOELLOOS »

Oom Mac, miskien kan jy net so af en toe vir ons se hoeveel wanneer inbetaal is, sodat die manne wat gee darem kan bevestig dat hulle betalings daar uitgekom het.
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Family_Dog »

They have one fixed source of P600 [Pula = ± R130 to the Pula]
More than likely 1 Pula = R1.30).... :P

(Actually, 1 Pula = R1.15 - just checked)

Make with the donations, folks!!


White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
Hound Dog: 2000 2.7i SC 4x4

One Staffie, One Jack Russell, One Ring Neck Screecher, 17 Fish of questionable heritage

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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Kagiso »

Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep
Oom Mac, miskien kan jy net so af en toe vir ons se hoeveel wanneer inbetaal is, sodat die manne wat gee darem kan bevestig dat hulle betalings daar uitgekom het.
The SUPER 7MGTE(I KILL you) Hilux Man
Ir reg BoerieBoel - ek doen so, nex-taaim sallik 't in ROOIj inkleer om meer opmerklik te wees. Ek plak in soos Willie laat weet wat aangaan.
Soos my hart nou roep sal 'k rerrag graag daai Isuz van hom anni loop wil sien - met 'n beter ryding in die vooruitsig in die nabye toekoms. Best pryse wat ek kon spoor op 'n Isuz enjin [diesel] is R11 000 en verby. Nie ek of Willie het daai soort brood wat rondlê om oppi water te gooi nie

Terwille van B/Boel plak ik maar weer in:
Goeie naand!
Bly om te sien julle is weer tuis, hoop julle kon darem so bietjie rus ook. Dankie vir seenwense, baie sms'e en dat ons jou gedagtes kon ontwrig al het jy probeer rus. Dis nou maar hoe ons sendelinge is, klou soos 'n neut. More kom Gawie en Dina hulle ook hier langs, gaan probeer mokoro ry, wat is daar by hulle, seker net donkies of hoe? Chris Mans en 'n paar vriende is ook Vrydag hierlangs, Martin Breek stuur groete. Wat die wiele aanbetref, alles is maar stil oor die feestyd gewees, tot op hede is daar R250-00 inbetaal.
Slaap lekkerrr!
Vrede / Shalom / Kagiso vir ammal.. Mac
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Niel »

Hi Mac, Die Weskaap se manne kom bymekaar die 26st en ons sal kyk wat ons kan doen - dit is nice ouens so ons sal sien wat gebeur. Hou moed.
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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by Kagiso »

Thanks Niel - Dankie Niel. Ek sal Willie sover kry om self ook hier op di esite in te loer - maar hulle I T in Botswana is stadiger as snail mail en sy selfoon lugtyd is alewig skraps, dus doen hy maar bitter min web-surf ens... net kort i-myle om darem in kontak te bly.
En o-ja, dis meer 'n gebedsaak as duime hou - maar ek verstaan wat jy bedoel - dus hou ek duime ook..
Thanx X baie. Mc.
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Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Somewhere I read:"It never rains, but it pours" and in line with that: "B/L comes in threes" I'm sure there are many more of the same.
The Booyse Family is back in Seronga after he had the heart attack while in SA. Willie is still without wheels. and now - a new crisis:
This morning I received a SMS from Willie: Please pray for Arista, she has Malaria. [Arista being the elder of the siblings, just 15 years old. NOT a good age to have Malaria, the body defences are busy coping with other changes]
So guys, if you are not too busy in the rat race, take a moment, spare a thought, say a prayer.
Thanx: uncle mac
p/s: Last Report on the contributions I had from Willie was R1250 in the kitty [of which 2 donars donated R500 each. THANK YOU, THANK YOU... ke a leboga Morena.]
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by DOELLOOS »

Well done everyone. Let's keep the money coming in please.

This man and his family really needs our support!

And more importantly....

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Re: PLEDGE DETAILS - Sending Noodroep

Post by BenHur »


I am reviving this one.

Willie and his family does awesome work but needs the help of us normal everyday people to support them financially.

They have a broken Isuzu bakkie that needs a engine and gearbox. Please guys be generous here.

So far Willie received R 1250 from 3 deposits by forum members. Thanks guys. But we need more. Come on guys let us Hilux okes show everybody that just like our bakkies we have harts of gold.

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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Willie and family made it home - after Arista' had to be taken to hospital in Maun after she contracted malaria. They send love & blessings & good wishes to all. Herewith Willie's latest e-mail. Greetings to all frm me as well: Kagiso.
Hi! Hoop dit gaan nog goed, hier by ons is dit sopnat, dit reen elke dag en die pad is 'n nagmerrie. Ons het verlede Vrydag 4 ure op die pad spandeer vanaf die ferry tot in Seronga. Op die koop toe moes ons meer as 'n uur wag vir die ferry en was ons eers so half ses aan ons kant van die Delta, daarvan daan was dit tot half tien op die pad in een storm op die ander. Ek wil vir jou fotos stuur maar jy sal my moet tips gee, hoe om dit kleiner te maak om dit te stuur, dan kan jy sien wat se stryd dit was met die Camry, gelukkig is sy 'n vasbyt motor en het ons dit veilig gemaak. Verder gaan ons nou maar die parte aankoop om die Isuzu reg te maak. Die Amerikaanse uitreik groep het vir ons 'n paar duisend pulas gestuur om dit te doen en saam met die R1250 van die Toyota 4x4 klub hoop ons om genoeg te fondse te he. Ons wil ook net dankie se vir julle vir die blessing dit het handig te pas gekom, met ons terug rys. Hop om gou van jou te hoor!
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by DOELLOOS »

Come on guys, surely we can do better than only three members contributing to this worthy cause. Even R50 will do!!!

We have over 400 members here. If only 50 gave R50 each, that would be R2,500.

3 Members managed to give R1250!!!! Where is the rest??????

I am ashamed today!!!!

Niel, Kaspaas, praat bietjie met die manne innie Kaap. Bennie, ek en jy moet maar die ouens hier in Gauteng vastrap. Ek het vandag vir my skoonpa ook hiervan vertel en hy gaan Maandag ook ietsie gee.

Come on guys, we are better than only three members contributing!!!!!
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Dankie SupraLuxBul[letjie] Ek 'cut & paste' jou roep vir Willie hulle. Dit beteken ook vir hulle die wêreld om te weet daar IS nog mense wat omgee en steun. BAIE dankie vir jou bydrae ook. Dankie ook vir Bennie en Nielen '-Dog wat hierdie postings toleaat en steun. En natuurlik, vir Pieter ook. Omdat Willie uit sy Botswana werk bedank en direk daardie sendeling-pos oorgeneem het, het hy nie regtig 'n SA Steungroep soos sy voorganger gehad het nie. Die gemeentes in die groter sentra van Botswana sukkel self om kop bo water te hou. Dus, as ons hier suid van die Limpopo nie hand uitsteek nie, is daar nie veel wat hulle kant toe kom nie. Soos jy sien - 'n groepie Amerikaners wat daar deur is, het Pula gestuur. Maar dis nou nie asof daar elke week 10 busse vol Amerikaners by die sendingpos inval, nie . Hulle het net vir ons. Dankie manne - EN manninne EN SWAMBO's ook.
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Seronga Mission: Booyse family.

Post by Kagiso »

Ek het niks om by te voeg nie ... grutnis: mac
Groete in JESUS!
Dit reen die afgelope 2 weke elke dag, om van hier tot in Shakawe te kom en terug neem ons 7 ure met die Camry, die pad is 'n nagmerrie en sommige plekke is dit heeltemal onder water. Dit gaan beter met my gesondheid en ek sterk goed aan, Arista is oor haar malaria en met Estelle en die ander 2 gaan dit goed. Ons het 'n nuwe probleem hier, die Immigrasie Departement het hulle reels en regulasies baie verander, wat dit al hoe moeiliker maak vir ons om sendelinge van buite die landsgrense te werf. Selfs sendelinge wat reeds hier is en gaan vir hernuwing van hulle permitte ondervind baie probleme, daarom vra ons asseblief dat almal oor hierdie saak bid. Ons het nie opgeleide plaaslike sendelinge nie, omdat die Batswanas nie baie "committed" is nie, daarbei is opleidings programme redelik duur en sonder sponsers kan baie nie opgelei word nie. As ons so gaan sukkel om sendelinge te werf of om mense optelei, gaan hierdie land nooit vir die KONINGKRYK gewen word nie.
Kan iemand asseblief vir ons pryse kry van sonpanele (dit moet asb 'n "output" van tussen 45-53 watt he).

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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

whohaaaaaa - 7 uur se modderpad ... wie gaan saam? LETS GO PLAY !!!
Dan kuier ons sommer by Willie vir 'n dag of wat. ???
praat sommer hier:
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Willie writes:
Hi, daar!
Dit reen nou elke dag, ons sien maar so 10-15 minute sonskyn op 'n keer, net as ons dink dit gaan opklaar, dan sous dit weer. Die pad raak al hoe slegter,dit het ons 7 ure tot in Shakawe en terug geneem. Maar ons is dankbaar dit kon net sowel 45grade gewees het. Ons sukkel met die seine deesdae, daarom dat ek nou weer gaan probeer om die fotos te stuur. Daar is nog 'n paar nuwes, wat ek sal stuur.
I also spoke to Willie this morning - and I nearly had a heartattack ... He is at Sepopa, on his own, busy taking out and stripping the Isuz engin. [some 300 Km from his family in Seronga !] No assitance & with his heart condition - as hy naby was het ek hom HARD geklap!
He informs me his Brother-in-law found him a 2,4 Diesel Hilux engine. Which is on its way.
Can someone pse. advise:? - will it fit the isuz g/box or will he need an adaptor? Cost?? OR can he go Cressida g/box - without adaptor plate? Will it fit on the chassis ? Cost? What is the effect on the propshaft - Must he shorten the Isuz one, or try for Lux item?
What if a couple of you jump in, we share the fuel cost, I'll take Dwergie's Terrano [can carry 5 in comfort] and we go give Willie a physical hand?? Any other sponsors out there?
PRAAT MET MY [You need passport, light tent, toothbrush .. en skoon onderklere. We can be back by 11th or 12th ???]
I attach ONE photo he managed to mail me - View of Shakawe - Seronga road, over the nose of a 430 000Km Camry ! [Dankie Piane / Maretha vir daardie geskenk!!!]
[hooga qality]
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Mac ek hettie 'n paspoort nie kan mens 'n tydelike een reel?

Ek weet baie oeuns vevang hulle Isuzu ratkaste vir Hilux/cressida ratkase so ek glo nie jy sal adapters vir die omgekeerde konfigurasie sommer raakloop nie.

Gaan kyk by Japan Auto trading se website praat hulle van sulke conversions, miskien sal hulle weet wat sal nogig wees met die prop. mens kan dan daar die ratkas en crosmembers koop met die 2.4 belhousing

Gaan kyk by product and services onder conversions
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Yipp Bennie - jy kan tydelike paspoort kry. [kontak my ek jou die "ropes" gee.] Probeer een van die kleiner sentra - Centurion selfs - dis die groot basisse wat laaaaaank vat.
Kos R180 [verlede jaar assik reg ondou] :shock:
Nou wie gaan en wie bly? :roll: [ek skommel ook nog aan die datums] het ook dinge aan.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Waneer sal jy wou gaan?
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Yo Bennie
Al my guttirs loop nou bizerk - dont know if I'll fit in a descent trip between other local committments. No harm in getting a passport anyway ... after 27th Feb I'll be free for quite some time, maybe we can still go give him a hand then.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Hoe lyk dit ouens? Who knows of a Hilux gearbox and/or 2.4D Hilux Belhousing that is laying somewhere or that we can buy at a "devine" price :wink: to use in Willie's bakkie.

Any ideas where we can get these items at decent prices. Those guys who did engine conversion, do you have an old bell housing or gearbox laying around somewhere in your garage/store room? It does not have to be brand new bright and shiny as long as it is in good working condition or easily repairable.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Glory - Steve, I cannot thank you enough for this gesture [and in Faith too]
BenHur phones me and ask if I saw the posting of the shocks to Willie [wellll, actually the Camry .. but u know what I mean 8) ] So I checked the thread and saw Steve's posting. Then I phoned Willie to make sure of the right model of the Camry ... wait for it:
........ Willie was standing on the stoep [porch] of the spares shop in Maun, about toe buy the shocks they have in store at P 1 300.oo !!! [which he can't really afford]
So - it's been arranged, Willie will suffer the Camry some more. They aim to be in Pretoria for the Missions Fest 14 - 16 February. They will then take the Camry to Supa Quick, Menlyn and have the shocks fitted by professionals, instead of Willie doing it out in the Bundu.
We can only thank The Lord for His interventions in people's hearts. ... so, to each and everyone of you followingh this thread, sparing a thought or a prayer for the Booyse family. A great big THANK YOU. Uit die hart uit.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

THANK YOU - From Willie & Family.

Greetings in JESUS!
I just want to thank Steve Fourie for the shocks that he had sponsered for our Camry! It means a lot to us and we appreciate it very much. It takes a big load of us, if we don't have to worry about things like shocks and other repairs. Steve may GOD Bless you abundantly!

I am trying to send some photos to Mac, of the condition of the road, maybe there will be some of you who would like to try it out in your 4x4's. Just do it in our rainy season, then it became a challenge, specially if you drive anything else than a 4x4. W..

And the next e-mail:
Dit gaan goed, hoop dat die gearbox al oppad is, dan as die finansies reg is kom ek al die week deur om dit te kom haal en daai baie nodige shocks op te sit, sal graag sommer net wou ry om die Missions Fest bytewoon,maar kan dit nie bekostig nie. Sal dit like as ons net weer lekker kan gesels, mis dit nogal.
Daai "Mighty Men Dominee" antwoord glad nie my e-mails nie, so ek weet nie of hulle nog belangstel om uittereik na ons toe nie, as hulle dalk die fotos sien sal hulle meer opgewonde raak. ?
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »


I enquired a bit and we can get a Cressida Gearbox with a 2.4D bellhousing for about R3K at one of the engine importers in Pretoria. So who is in?

I will put down R 1000.00 towards this gearbox if I can get other members here to join me so that we as the Hilux4x4 forum can help to get Willie's bakkie back on the road. He will also need a clutch kit 'n Hilux gearbox crossmember with mountings and a possible propshaft modification.

Is their any member here that is also a member on the Isuzu forum or know someone that knows what is needed to fit a Cressida gerabox and Hilux engine into an Isuzu bakkie. All help and information will be greatly apreciated.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by henniedebeer »

Ek sal graag n geldelike bydrae wil maak. :) PM asb die nodige besonderhede. Ons het baie om voor dankbaar te wees en boonop wen die STORMERS ook nog Sat :mrgreen:
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Baie dankie Hennie sodra ons nog ouens het wat wil deel sal ek en Oom :wink: Mac die reëlings finaliseer en julle laat weet.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by CasKru »


Sal jou bedrag match... (solank dit net na payday is die maand :oops: )
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Thanks Cassie

Nou is ons al nader om Willie te help.

Oom Mac

Sê vir Willie hy moet nog net so klein bietjie geduldig wees, die lig is daar aan die einde van die tonnel en nie eers Eskom kan dit afswitch nie :wink:
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Dankie Manne !!!!
Ons is betrokke by die "MISSIONS FEST" [uitstallings en seminare ens.. van Sending missies en beidieninge] by Moreletta Gemeente Sentrum ... Ek het so 'n klien kolletjie vir Willie se bediening daar ingedruk - hy sou graag hier wou wees, maar het nie brandstofgeld gehad om te kom nie ... vanoggend [Vrydag 15e] kry ek 'n SMS van hom wat Willie is "Sien jou more" Sat 16e] wat beteken Die Heer het voorsien ...
Dankie weereens - ek sal Willie hierdie thread wys en hy kan self antwoord ... miskien kan ons ook 'n Koffie breek inruim .. weet nie hoe lank hulle hier gaan wees nie.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Hilux2.7i »


Wil graag help.Verskaf asb rekening besonderhede.

Frans Swart
Eastern Cape

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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Haai Frans & Ander (detail op thread: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1268

Willie hulle het vanmiddag laat in Pta arriveer - die Camry se agterwiel koeëllaer [eishhh, FD, thats a wheel bearing !!!] het begin ingee - hulle is met Dwergie se Terranie deur Secunda toe - Estelle wou sgm by haar Pa uitkom .. ons verwag hulle teen moreaand terug ...
Wie sal/wil/kan Maandagaand beskikbaar wees vir 'n bietjie kuier saam met hulle twee [natuurlik - ek en 'ie Dwergie ook !!!] - Sommer so 'n koffie [of watookal] breek en saamkuier] ± 18:30 tot ??? by Mug & Bean: Woodhill Sentrum [Pta-Oos] ?? (laat weet maar) - Willie sou graag 'n gesig of twee by name wou pas - en kers opsteek re idees met daai aisistog van hulle..
Groete. K
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Family_Dog »

[eishhh, FD, thats a wheel bearing !!!]
LOL, Mac... you pre-empted me sending an email asking what a "koeëllaer" is... I thought it had something to do with a "bullet layer".


Please give my regards to Willie & Co, I will only be able to make it if you guys came to the local Dros... :wink:


White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
Hound Dog: 2000 2.7i SC 4x4

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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »


Ek gaan probeer om more aand met Willie en Mac te ontmoet en dan kan ons reelings tref vir die ratkas. Ek sal julle dan laat weet hoe gemaak met die geld, of ons dit als in Willie hulle se rekening gaan insit en of ek die ratkas sal moet gaan koop. In daai geval sal ek julle my rek no stuur.

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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by CasKru »

Bennie, onthou om my ook op hoogte te hou.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

hy sit hier langs my - so ek gaan laat hy self die tikwerk doen: EN JIPPEEE, hy heddi memriestix meddi piektjaas ondou .. ek salli post want hy weet'ie hoe nie:
WILLIE AAN 'IE WOORD: Goeie naand! Groete in JESUS! Eerstens wil ek namens ons spul Booyses, dis nou hoe Mac ons noem, daar uit die bos baie dankie se vir julle effort met ons vervoer. Daar het 'n probleem opgeduik met die 2.4 engine wat ons kon kry, my swaer het voorgestel dat ons eers die engine moet oopmaak en Prys die HERE dat dit gedoen is, ons kry toe 2 gebreekte pistons en ook die sleaves wat redelik gesluit is. Die engine + die kostes van die parte is toe ongeveer dubbel wat die herstel aan die Isuzu sal wees. Om die rede is ons hier in Blou Bul Stad om die nodige parte vir die Isuzu te kry. Die ratkas is egter nog 'n probleem en ons werk daaraan, gelukkig kan ek ook more die shocks van die Camry vervang en sien wat die geraas op die agter wiele veroorsaak. Weereens baie dankie aan julle almal en mag julle ryklik geseen word. O, ja! Jammer vir die Stormers, ek is bevrees julle sal nog baie keer moet "Weer Probeer"


[daa' ga' stane spoil hy die hele verhouding .. nou kan hy self sien en kom klaa' ... maskas !!!]
elkgeval - hier is paar fotos [lekkerrrrr, hoop daai Toy laat hom inni steek .. wat menms kan verwag van Toy... ?? :twisted:
SerongaRoad 014_C.jpg
SerongaRoad 013_c.jpg
SerongaRoad 010_c.jpg
SerongaRoad 012_c.jpg
SerongaRoad 011_c.jpg
SerongaRoad 009_c.jpg
SerongaRoad 004_c.jpg
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Bennie - Ek het vergadering van ± 09:00 tot ± 15:00 ... KAN jy die Omie bel asb ??? <vroeer / of later> dan reel ons byeenkoms re morre-aand met Willie hulle [jy sien die ondanklbare vent wil nou weer daai Aisietsog regmaak ??? maar laat hom aanneek ... ons gan daaij Aisiestog nog onner sy gaaij uitverkoop [en vir hom 'n stunning NISSAN kry ??? :wink: :D ]

{jippp - hy gan nog daai STORMER nota van hom sluk ( met peepirrr!)
Bennie & manne ... Die tyd sal 18:00 wees - en Willie stem saam met DROS [Moreletta Square] Hoek van RUBENSTEIN en GARSFONTEIN WEG]
.. Bennie - sal jy met die manne [en SWAMBO !!!] reel asb?? (ek hetti hulle foonnommers 'ie.)
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by CasKru »

Oom Mac, Bennie. Wou net se sal dit nie kan maak nie want ek kom eers 18:45 by dier huis. Stuur groete en Gods Seen
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Swambo sê dis reg sien julle daar
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »


We visited with Willie and Estelle at Mac's house this evening, but Mac left early. it was nice to talk to Willie and get a glimpse into their life. They had the Camry's shocks replaced with the set that Steve sponsored, thanks again Steve.

Willie and Mac negotiated with a guy here in PTA to fix the engine for the "free of charge" for the labour and engineering if they only supply the parts. So no Mac will have to go and fetch (tow) the Isuzu from the gramadoelas.

Once the bakkie is here we will decide what to do with the gearbox i.e. another Isuzu GB or a Cressida GB.

Can I ask you guys to transfer the money you pledged into Willie and Estelle's account and mark it Gearbox in the reference field. viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1268

Thanks to all that have pledged to help.
For the rest: any amount would be greatly appreciated
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Dankie Bennie & femlie dat julle hier was ... Willie weet ook nou hoe lyk di egesigte by di ename ..
Eishhh - Daai Dwergie het amper my KOP afgehaal want eesr toe 'k by di ekerk stop slaat dit my - ek het julle nie eens gegroet nie . ASKIES [hier in die openbaar !!!] ek het soort van gedink julle sal nog hier wees as ons trugkom - maar jy het gesê uh-uh .. die kiddies. Outoppi het netti registreer'ie. Askies en sê viur Swambo ook.
Willie het v'morre vroeg pad gevat - ek kyk daai pics so ... en ek raak lus vir ver plekke gaan ry ...
Wanneer kan wie saamgaan ???? [of is daar tjikkens en is Chuck eintlik cLuck ?? :twisted: ]
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Toemaar Oomie ons het lankal gesien jys so gemaak en so gelaat staan. Sê vir Dwergie sy moenie worry nie.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by henniedebeer »

Ek maak so Bennie :)
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Seronga Mission: Booyse Family

Post by Kagiso »

Hi Allllll of you. Sorry for trhe prolonged absence. I was busy (& lazy)
Willie & Family is still OK - his latest e-mail reads:

The Booyse Family wrote:To: Mac & Amanda

Groete uit die bos!
Dit gaan goed, sukkel net so 'n bietjie met brongitis, maar sal dit ook oorleef. Ons hoop julle het jul uitstsappie geniet, dit raak vervelig as ek die e-mails check en daar is niks van Mac af nie, maar sal jou die keer vergewe. Vriende van ons kom vir 'n dag of twee hier by ons kuier, hulle kom van Kathu af, en hulle het spesiaal 'n a frame opgelaai en gaan die Agsiestog vir ons SA toe sleep. Dit sal voor volgende naweek wees. Ek sal vir hulle jou sel nommer gee as hulle dalk 'n probleem het om by Andre uit te kom. Ek stuur as attachment vir jou 'n familie foto en bietjie inligting omtrent ons werk in die Delta.

Mooi bly!



Let me introduce ourselves! We are the Booyse family, serving the LORD in the Delta. From the top left, clockwise are Willie, Estelle, Simoné, Arista and Karlien. Oops! I nearly forgot, Flash, our snake killer.
Our home is in Seronga, which is also our Missions Base, situated in the North-western corner of Botswana and on the Northern side of the Okavango Delta. Although we are involved in missions for some years, first in a supportive capacity, it was only at the end of March 2007 that we took our step of faith and became full-time servants of our LORD.
We are missions coordinators with Delta Cross Ministries, in this capacity, we are involved with church planting, spreading the Gospel, Pre-schools, Children’s ministry, Training and running the office. We are also responsible for the well being of all the missionaries and pastors serving with us.

MISSIONS: We are working under the Bahumbukushu, Bayeyi and Basarwa (Bushmen), there are some smaller peoples groups in our area, but the above mentioned groups are the main groups living in the area. There are about 12000-14000 people living on our side of the Delta and there are 14 villages and many small settlements in the area. We are currently working in 4 of these villages and our goal is to work in all of them.
We are spreading the Gospel through Evangelism, JESUS film shows and doing the follow up afterwards and Crusades to various villages in the region. Our main aim is to plant self sustain, self duplicating, Evangelistic indigenous churches.
We are busy with Bible course training for leaders and future leaders, Children’s ministry workers training and some other programs, like women’s conferences and men’s camps for the local men and women and Aids prevention youth groups.

CHALLENGES: Traditional believes of the people, ancestral worshipping, visitation of traditional doctors for healing, mistrusting of “white man’s “ church, peer pressure and Batswana (the people) are one of the most difficult groups to evangelize, but easily influenced by religion that is closely related to ancestral worshipping. We have first hand experience of this in our own small congregations. Other challenges are the lack of financial support, communication, transport and because we are in a remote area, the development is very slow. We sometimes think we are the forgotten children of Botswana or staying in another country. HIV/Aids are a major health problem and although testing, treatment and counselling is free of charge, people are still ignorant of the dangers of this decease. There is also a shortage of trained missionaries.

FUTURE PLANS: Student accommodations for those who attend courses, classrooms, accommodation for tutors from other places, churches, pre-schools and housing for pastors and missionaries in all the villages. We are also planning to train locals to be missionaries and start programs and projects to uplift the community.

Because we are so dependent on prayers for ALL our needs, please pray with us and for us to have breakthrough in all our challenges and provision in work and future plans.

Willie, Estelle and girls.

Contact details: e-mail:
Mobile: 00267 71621777
00267 72408929

Bank details:
E. Booyse----FNB---BANK CODE 271144---ACC 62163097887 (SA ACC)
DCM---------FNB---BANK CODE 230433---ACC 62148723986 (SA ACC)
W. Booyse---FNB---BANK CODE 282367---ACC 62065020142---SWIFT
CODE--------FIRNBWGX 282367 (BOTS ACC). Can not do internet transfers
Across borders.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

ek het 'n pos hier geplaas met Willie se inset re die werk wat hulle doen in di eDelta gebied. En nou is daai post weg. Is dit my pizzi wat agter is. Is daar 'n server kommunikasie gaping of is daai pos 'delete' deur 'n administrator?
Vra maar net
Dankie Mac
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse Family

Post by Kagiso »

eishhhh - swaar as mens dom is. 'K weet die stukkie was geplak, maar gaat soek't toe oppe anner plek. Sjymmm. Mens moet die guttirs inni dag doen. Snags maak Klaasvakie jou simpel.
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Toemaar Oomie ek sien jy het 'n nuwe topic begin maar ek het hulle nou hier saam ge-merge.

Sien dissie goet om Nissans te ry nie, hulle skut jou breins so bietjie deemekaar :wink:
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

dis NET waa jy dit verkeerd het Bennie - die Nissan skud juis NIE - hoofrede hoekpom ek met my brittle rug vir Brutus ry ... omdat hy nie stamp nie. As jy wil gestamp wees, klim in 'n Toy SFI of Defender ......... daar klim my lewer uit en hike verder [met 'n Nissan !!!!]

Thanx virri Merger -------- besigheid sal sommer nou beter gaan.
Wie wil help met die petrol / saamry om daai Aisiestog in Lobatse te gaan haal??
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

hi you lot !!! the aisiestog is in Lobatse (± pass Zeerust) - but now I need an "A" frame [and some company] to go and fetch it to tow to Pretoria: Silverton. OR a driver to keep the thing in the road while I tow it with my solid towbarpipe [so 'n stuk yster wat aanmekaar bout en dan die twee karre stewig aanmekaar hou...]
iemand wat kan help??? assebliiiiieeff??
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Waneer het jy gedink om te gaan?
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

Yo Bennie - Sommer so in die week - Willie wilk kyk of hy kan by wees om enige hassles by die grenspos te sorteer as daar is ... en die enigste dag wat hy sal kan is Maandag 14e.
Ons gaan egter die 24 e met 'n vrag klere Ranyane & Xaaukwe toe, dan kan mens maar op die terugtog die ding haak en sleep.
Dis net daai "A"raam wat pla ... ek het nie een nie. Sal een moet leen, iewers. Weet jy dalk van een ?
Jye hte my nommer? bel sommer, dan kekkel ons.
F D .... is daai 29Mhz radios nog aan??
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Family_Dog »




White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
Hound Dog: 2000 2.7i SC 4x4

One Staffie, One Jack Russell, One Ring Neck Screecher, 17 Fish of questionable heritage

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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Kagiso »

F D ... did you get my PM to you ... or am I too fast for you? [F D het jy my P B gekry of is ek te vinnig op jou?
BENNIE: Ek gaan terughang met daai Aisiesttog te gaan haal tot daai end April, begin Mei met al die vakansiedae - dan vat ons klere vir di emense van Ranyane en met di eterugkom skep ons sommer die Aisiestog ...
Wie wil saamgaan Botswana toe vir so 'n 4 - 5 dae :"stint" ??????
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on't bring God down to your level of faith ... bring your faith up to His level!
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by BenHur »

Ek dink ek sal tog een of anner tyd moet dink om 'n paspoort te kry. Maar vir eers is ek gestrand in SA
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Family_Dog »

Kagiso wrote:F D ... did you get my PM to you ... or am I too fast for you? [F D het jy my P B gekry of is ek te vinnig op jou?

Wie wil saamgaan Botswana toe vir so 'n 4 - 5 dae :"stint" ??????
Yep - and I have replied to it too!
[Jip - en ek het dit geantwoord ook]
نعم -- ولقد وردت اليها ايضا!
Oui - et j'ai répondu à cela aussi!
Ja - und ich habe geantwortet es auch!
Ναι - και εχω απαντησει σε αυτο!
Sì - e mi hanno risposto che per troppo!
Sim - e eu respondi-lhe também!
Да, - и я уже ответил на него слишком!
Sí - y he respondido a ella también!


White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
Hound Dog: 2000 2.7i SC 4x4

One Staffie, One Jack Russell, One Ring Neck Screecher, 17 Fish of questionable heritage

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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by CasKru »

Family_BullDog wrote: نعم -- ولقد وردت اليها ايضا!
Oui - et j'ai répondu à cela aussi!
Ja - und ich habe geantwortet es auch!
Ναι - και εχω απαντησει σε αυτο!
Sì - e mi hanno risposto che per troppo!
Sim - e eu respondi-lhe também!
Да, - и я уже ответил на него слишком!
Sí - y he respondido a ella también!
Eric.... did you hit your finget with a hammer again that your are speaking in tongues? :twisted:
To God be the glory
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Re: Seronga Mission: Booyse family

Post by Family_Dog »

Mac & I have an understanding. Neither of us can understand what t'other is saying! :P


White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
Hound Dog: 2000 2.7i SC 4x4

One Staffie, One Jack Russell, One Ring Neck Screecher, 17 Fish of questionable heritage

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