Trip down memory lane

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Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Trip down memory lane

The trip started out as : get to Cape L’Agulhas – rest a bit – go home.

Fortunately the biker in me is still alive and well, and as any biker will tell you, any trip worth doing, is worth doing via the road less travelled.

27 April is many things to many people. For us this particular 27th was just a brilliant opportunity to get off the hamster wheel, and escape the rat race for a short while. Ooo, and I had to drop off a set of keys in Onrus Hermanus, so it would “have to be” the long winding road along the coast.  As the RAV counted off the miles and the old scenery rolled past I had a day of reliving lots and lots of old memories. The looming stormy weather, the gale force wind, the scenery … This trip would have so many new moments, and yet remind me of so many old memories. You are welcome to join me on this journey through the past and present.

This trip would also be our first “camping” trip in the RAV. First time we needed to pack for a weekend away in many years. Since 2008 the 4x4 was always packed and ready, just a few undies and we could drive off. This would be a “self catering” trip. Thus not true camping, but always that question of just how much to tag along …. And this would also be the first trip where I would have to take fresh stuff along to keep eating correctly …. Eventually we closed the tailgate and set off.

We believe any trip should start with a nice breakfast at the first Wimpy along the way. This would be the Falsebay Wimpy on the N2. Been getting used to taking a slice of Low GI bread along, and ordering their cheese omlett. But this time we get a new menu … and I start reading …. Couple of Banting options in the menu. The good old Oats breakfast is back on the menu. Even a nice new cheese and mushroom omlett. And would you believe it, Wimpy now even offers Low GI bread with their food. Even their coffee mugs are now much larger.

This trip was off to a lekka start !

Then a nice slow drive along beach road in Strand. The aftermarth of the last storm still clearly visible ! Sand washed right over the retaining wall, the line between the pavement and the road totally obscured. I immediately grabbed the opportunity to drive onto the “beach” – on the pavement. Took some nice pics of Langpad “on the beach”.

We bought the RAV just before the Easter weekend, and got it with a temporary paper plate. Over that weekend we kept on talking of using the RAV for the “Langpad” tours, and the Etios for the town trips. And after a few days we just spoke of “Langpad”. I had to go back to Toyota to wrap up some paperwork and joked with Esme, the saleslady, about getting a number plate “LANGPAD-WP”. Five minutes later she called me and said the number was available … Guess I should now ask her if “Kortpad” is available for the Etios. :mocking: :tease:

Back to the Strand. I remember a time not so long ago when a storm that caused the sea to breach the wall was head lines. Now this happens a couple of times a year …. As we drove along Beach Road it was clear from the water marks on the buildings across the road.

Through Gordons Bay. The mere forecast of rain has kept the Capies in their homes. It was already 10:00, yet the roads were empty and only a few regulars walking on the beach. Should add, the North wind was pumping !! We idled up the long winding road to the Steenbras Dam Lookout point. If you are scared of heights do not attempt this road ! What a view !!
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Then it was time for the winding mountain road along the coast to Rooi Els. Cruise control on, relaxing, enjoying the scenery. Time to relax, and to unwind. Past Kogel Bay I dropped a couple of gears and passed the two cars ahead of me, and enjoyed the last few bends to Rooi Els. Certainly one way to unwind. :laugh2:

Bettiesbay. One long trip down memory lane. We lived here in 1976 and 1977. I have many fond memories from this era. My dad was semi retired at this stage, and did a lot of fishing from a boat. As you can imagine I spent a LOT of time on the boat with my dad. I was catching fish and holding my own on the boat. Should have seen my dads face the day I pulled in a 4 pound Rooi-roman. The fun started when we went a bit deeper and caught snoek. I could get it hooked, but just no way a kid can pull a snoek in. So I would hook them and hand the line to my dad.

Stopping at the garage in Bettiesbay the North wind was still pumping hard. Reminding me of the day my mom opened the door at this very same garage, and the gale force wind ripped the door from her hand. Broke that door clean off its hinges. She drove the Alcamino bakkie home with the door in the back of the bakkie.

Back then Bettiesbay did not have electricity. In fact this area only got electrified in the late 80’s. Some of you will remember 1976 as the year we got tv in SA. Not much use if you don’t have electricity. There was ONE house in Bettiesbay that had generator power. MAN, was this guy popular, with everybody making up any excuse to come watch tv at his home. If my sister and I behaved we could stay up and listen to the story on the radio with my folks. In winter time the kaggel would be lit for this story time. I would spend the afternoon gathering “cones” that dropped from the local trees for the kaggel.

We went to school in Kleinmond. If memory serves me the total number of kids in the school was 78, yes back then we were not pupils or learners or what ever. Kids were kids, and that was it. Sub A, Sub B and Standard 1 was in ONE room. There were three blackboards on three different walls of ONE room, and the desks were arranged that each group would look at a different wall. There were two teachers for the three groups. Talk about discipline !! You listened when it was your turn to get class, and you carried on quietly with your homework when the teacher was busy with the other group !! The room to the left in the photo is where I spent two years.

That school moto stuck, and has helped me through some tough spots.

Looking at the two massive school busses and the many new buildings I can only deduct there may be more kids in the school today. Guess each “grade” may now even have its own class and teacher.

Over the years we often went back to Kleinmond for holidays. In the 70’s and 80’s kids could still walk the length of this dorp in complete safety. Christmas time we would walk to the town hall and watch a movie, remember this was long before videos, so seeing a movie was a “big thing”. We would then walk to the beach, and late at night walk back home. Never ever was this considered dangerous.
Those that know the area knows the bridge over the Palmiet river. In the 70’s the camp site was right next to this bridge. Today this area is a picnic spot, called the Fairy Glen. Nice spot to park and hike the mountains.
This bridge … Oooo, this bridge ….

Bridges are made for people to jump off. And a bridge over water is just such a nice jumping platform.

Kyk ek is nie n bang-gat nie, maar ek is ook nie stupid nie. This bridge is high ! And there is a nasty rock just below the surface, and yet another rock slightly deeper. So you have to jump at the right spot, and then jump forward to hit the safe spot …. Nee wat. And so I watched many people do this jump over the years. Until this one day, a buddy and I was sitting there watching this lot, and up walks this beautiful young lady. Walks onto the bridge, climbs over the ledge, took a second and jumped. Okay, ons is nie bang-gatte nie, and we did the first of many jumps ….

Time to stop at the old harbour. Have launched from here many times with my dad. Two memories remain vivid in my mind. My dad’s boat had two off 40hp Mercury motors. This one day we were pretty deep, the mountain tips were barely visible on the horizon …. Neither Mercury would start ! This was not long after my dad had both rebuilt. With absolutely no other choice the fisherman would take turns at the ores and slowly work our way back to dry land. Dit is HARDE werk !! Could have been an hour or two later, but the guys behind the ores were visibly exhausted. Today Gansbaai is known across the world for shark diving. Well I have seen schools of sharks in these waters back then. Try to imagine sitting in an 18 foot boat with a 30 foot shark circling the boat, now imagine this with more than ten dorsal fins sticking out the water ! No imagine the scene of two tired fisherman barely capable of working the ores seeing a school of sharks … the nose of that boat picked up and we actually left a wake as they worked those ores !
Those of you that know small boats know that back-board where the motor clamps on. The bigger the boat, the bigger the motors, and the bigger the board that holds the motors. Now a little “dingy” with a 15x40mm back board for a little 10 or 20 hp motor is hardly suited to the Vaal dam, never mind the sea. In 1977 Katinka Heyns appeared in a movie, and they had to go out to sea for one scene. But there was a storm and even the locals would not venture out to sea. They all warned the film crew to not go out. They took this little dingy out as far as the mouth of the harbour before the sea tossed it over. Each time my dad heard her name he would recount that story.

Off to Onrus, Hermanus. Greta’s uncle and aunt had a holiday house in Onrus, later this became their primary house when they retired. Greta’s mom passed away when Greta was very young, and her aunt was a big part of her life. In 1991 they offered us the opportunity to go there for a weekend. Driving an old car I had a toolbox with me at all times. At the holiday house I kept on hearing a dripping sound. Turns out the washer of the ball valve to the geyser had to be replaced. Shear dumb luck I had a washer in the toolbox that fitted. That little washer was certainly the best thing that ever could have happened.  Basically oom Compion adopted me as his son from that time. I only found out many years later that his only son passed away at a young age.

Typical scenery we grew accustomed to at Onrus –

On one such trip I had parked the car, driving right past the house and parking it at the back. The fire was lit. I was settled in for the night, when my wife tells me she needs something from the café …. Very begrudgingly I took her to the café. Coming back I parked next to the house, not at the back. That night the wind blew over a massive old tree, right where the car WAS parked. Had I not taken my wife to the café the car would have been a write-off !

For those that may want to stay over in Onrus:
- Self catering – SPATSELS –" onclick=";return false; – 084 580 7972
- Camping – Onrus Caravan park -" onclick=";return false;

Having dropped off the keys with our aunt we set off along the coast to Gansbaai. Do note that long stretch outside Gansbaai is an 80km/h stretch … May just get my first speed fine with Langpad from this stretch of road, think I was just over 90 … Then the new tar road to Elim.

Elim is a classic Moravian missionary village. Also a proud history of thatching. Yet today it is predominantly known for its home for fetal alchol syndrome kids. Very sad story …

And eventually we made it to L’Agulhas. What a trip down memory lane. We know very little of L’Agulhas, except it is the most Southern tip of Africa. We have stopped here 3 or 4 times before, but always just stop and go. Never took time to build memories here.

Hopefully the next few days will afford us the opportunity to learn more of the tip of Africa.

We used" onclick=";return false; to find a place in L’Agulhas. We chose “The Gift” -" onclick=";return false;

Stay tuned for the next episode …
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Family_Dog »

Great memories Chris, and superb scenery. Here, I can tour dry and dusty mealie fields and yellow mine dumps, but somehow that does not quite match up to the eloquence of your story!


White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
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One Staffie, One Jack Russell, One Ring Neck Screecher, 17 Fish of questionable heritage

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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Thank you Eric.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Day two.

Day one ended with a nice braai. Which almost was not a nice braai. Leaving on the trip we knew the weather forecast was “bad’. We would most probably spend most of the time indoors, hiding from a proper Cape of Storms winter storm ….

Late afternoon on the 27th the clouds gathered, and it got dark, very dark. Then is faint mist in the air, and then the heavens opened. The downpour started as the flames died down and the coals were almost ready for the braai … an outdoor braai …. I rushed to Langpad and got my kêppie. Jacket zipped up, collar pulled upright to keep the wind and water out of my neck.

The meat was hardly on the too hot coals, and the rain stopped faster than it had started.

I resigned myself to the reality that the 28th would be spent indoors. But then, this trip was meant to be a rest period.

The morning of the 28th I thought of going down to the sea for some photos. But it was still dark and I convinced myself it was overcast …. Not long after I realised the day was breaking and it was not dark ! Got up and looked outside – clear skies. Got dressed in record time and shot off to the sea, just in time to get some nice pics.

First set was taken near where we stay, about 2 or 3 km from the Southern tip.

Same place, different angle –

I then moved to the next point for some more photos.

The sun was rising fast and I had to move it to get to the Southern tip for some early pics. Took a moment to look at this insect that got itself caught in the dew drops on the bonnet ..

There was a young couple at the Southern tip, but they were just to the right of the Southern tip marking, so I could still get a few shots in.

They approached me and asked if I would take some photos of the two of them, with their camera. Took some pics and started talking. Young American couple. We walked back to the cars and I took some more photos of them. And the lady remarks that they are on honeymoon in South Africa.

Here I am reliving old memories, and they are setting off on a new life.

Back at The Gift we had a quick breakfast and set off to enjoy the area. Our host, Mike, told us a few secrets of the area, and we set about following up on these leads.

There is a SANS Park next to the Southern tip of Afrika. However this is NOT a traditional park !! Absolutely no day visitors allowed. Only those that have booked a cottage is allowed in.

We then went to the Struisbaai Harbour. There are 3 or 4 stingrays that often swim around in the harbour. On this day the sea was too choppy and the stingrays were not to be seen. Very nice harbour, and we certainly will be back.

Behind the ship you get a glimps of the longest beach in the Southern Hemisphere, at some 14 km long !

Off to Bredasdorp. The founding member of Bredasdorp, a one Michael van Breda, was the first mayor of Cape Town. This little town dates back to the early 1800’s. While others remained small, Bredasdorp became the central point for the district and is a fully fledged town today.

There is a “Shipwreck Museum”. WELL WORTH a visit ! But do allow more time for this. Couple of buildings to work your way through. Here you are reminded that the Bredasdorp coastline is known as the graveyard of ships. Some 150 ships have met their end along this coast line. Between the various buildings they have arranged the anchors of sunken ships as a memorial to those who lost their lives. Stark reminder of how this country was actually built ….

Then to go show my wife the town with two names – Arniston Waenhuiskrans. The original name was the Waenhuiskrantz, as an ox wagon could be turned around inside this massive cave in the side if the hill. The cave can still be reached at low tide. But right now it seems more like spring tide. In 1815 a British ship, the Arniston, broke up in a storm in this area. Legend would have it the fishing community then changed the name of the town to Arniston in memory of those who died in that shipwreck. Till today the namebords to this dorp displays both names.

Those who know the history of the former Armscor knows Denel, and may well know the OTB test range that is situated right next to Arniston. It is rumoured that various international parties bring their airborne protypes to this range for test fires … I thought it best not to stop next to their electrified fence with my tele-photo-zoom lens …. Can say this range has some of the most magnificent animal species.

Let’s see if the weather allows us to explore further tomorrow …
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Mud Dog »

Hey! Not fair! You must go back to work! LOL! Nice pics and TR, enjoy! :thumbup:
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by CasKru »

Thanks for the nice TR Chris. Jealousy is now strong with this one
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

The storm is here !

Wind has been howling all night.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Dirka »

Tis was a lekker read with some nice pics too! Thanx for posting. :thumbup:
(Early up or having a late night Chris?) :mocking:
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Daai wind het my lekker uit die slaap gehou !!!

Thankfully the wind died down a bit around 2:30, when the rain started.

Properly overcast this morning. Lekker oggend vir laat lê ...
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by CasKru »

So wat jy nou eintlik probeer sê is dat ons die lekker warm weer hier bo in Gauteng moet geniet want binnekort is die koue hier
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Bit of feedback on the RAV -

This is the entry level 2,0 Petrol non-turbo model, with front wheel drive only. I ordered cruise control as an extra, especially for these long trips.

This current tank did some duty in town driving, and then the coastal wind through the passes, bit of fun, lots of town driving as we explored the towns along the road.

Open road I kept to 120km/h, and the long stretches of 100km/h roads I would keep the needle just under 110km/h - note to self - must still use the gps in the RAV to calibrate the speedometer ... And of course that section outside Gansbaai that I thought was 100km/h, fortunately I was held up bu another vehicle and was just over 90 when I saw the camera ... who knows, maybe I dont need the gps to calibrate the speedo ...

Should mention that for this section of the trip the vast majority of our driving was done with the Northern wind pumping from the side or from behind.

Thus to fuel economy - For this very mixed bag of driving the gauge would have me believe the fuel consumption is currently at 7,8 l/100km, or about 12,8 km/l. Very close to the claimed 7,7 l/100km in the owners manual. And frankly good for such a large vehicle. :cooldude:

By far its worst fuel consumption is those first few minutes after start up. And then the stop start in town traffic is also very thirsty. A nice constant 120km/h on the open road is actually not that thirsty ....

Do bear in mind that these figures were obtained while using the cruise control, which typically increases fuel consumption. En mamma het ingepak vir die trippie ... :siffler:

Space, comfort, road noise etc - very happy.

Handling on tar has really impressed me !! It is a nice comfortable drive, yet somehow they managed to achieve that and still keep it taught around the bends. :twisted:

Gravel - after Elim there is a gravel road that cuts back to Struisbaai. Pretty decent condition. As our very first stint on gravel I started out slow and worked up to about 80km/h. WOW !! I am very impressed at how the RAV just eats up the dirt road ! The RAV was more sure-footed, and still comfortable than many a bakkie I have driven on gravel roads. From Arniston back to Struisbaai we took another gravel road, this one not in such a good nick. Mostly okay, but a few spots where you had to slow down to negotiate the eroded patches. Again the RAV impressed mightely. :celebrate:

My one and only negative observation about the RAV - the ignition is too low on the steering column. As soon as you attach anything to the ignition key it touches your leg while driving. Okay, I am using the very high seating position, but I would have bought a "car" if I wanted my but on the tar .... Being able to see over most cars, and to be able to read the traffic ahead is something I enjoy. :thumbup:
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by pietpetoors »

Baie mooi fotos Chris
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Agteros »

Baie interessante reisverslag Chris en baie mooi fotos.
Dankie vir jou tyd - dit gee aan forums 'n ander dimensie.
Daardie RAV van jou lyk sommer spiekeries.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Agteros »

O ja ek wou byvoeg - was so paar jaar gelede by Kleinmond se hawe - daar is 'n dekselse lekker wegneemete vis en skyfies winkel. Wonder of hy nog bestaan.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Agteros wrote:O ja ek wou byvoeg - was so paar jaar gelede by Kleinmond se hawe - daar is 'n dekselse lekker wegneemete vis en skyfies winkel. Wonder of hy nog bestaan.
Die dorpie het nou ook die toeriste roete gegaan ...

REEKS besighede by die hawe. Tipiese eetplekke en snuisterye.

Ons hou baie van die "Bistro 14", dis die Restaurant by die kwekery.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Update on the fuel usage ....

Filled up and punched the numbers into Excel .... seems the onboard computer is a tad optimistic .... Each tank it is "positive" by about 0,2 l/100km.

Thus my 7,8 was actually 8,00 l/100km, or 12,5km/l.

Still a pretty good figure, for a vehicle this size.

The worst tank thus far, higher speeds, and a very strong head wind for 150km, was 11 km/l.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Day three

Proper Cape of Storms winter storm last night ! Thought the roof was going to blow away. Shortly after 2:00 the rain started and the wind calmed down ever so slightly.

No much sleep to be had with all the sounds of the storm raging outside.

Slept in a bit later and when we headed outside it was clear the wind had not “died down” just yet !

The waves were pounding the rocks and creating a foam, which was promptly blown over the road to the nearest homes.

Off to the lighthouse. In this area known for shipwrecks it is understandable that this lighthouse was only the second in South Africa, more correclty, it is the second oldest working lighthouse in SA. Built on top of a convenient koppie, it is a much smaller structure than most other lighthouses.
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27.jpg (29.33 KiB) Viewed 9034 times

Having paid your entrance fee you are allowed to climb to the top, then exit out onto the little walkway around the lighthouse. You climb up multiple sections of ladders –

It is mentioned in passing to hang onto your belongings as the wind may blow up there …. Yea right !!! Hang onto yourself as YOU may get blown right off the structure !! I clung to the structure and really tried to work me way around to take a photo to the South – right into the morning wind. Vergeet maar !! This was the best I could do –

The actual light mechanism -

On 16 November 1982 a Japanese fishing vessel the Meisho Maru ran aground near the South Point of Africa. The crew of 17 all swam to safety. Over the years the sea tore the hull apart. Only the bow section remains today. It is as popular with tourists as with the bird life.



And so our stay at the Tip of Africa comes to an end. Let’s see what memories the return trip brings.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Froll »

Nice trip report Chris, awesome pics thanks for sharing. I like your new wheels. :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Family_Dog »

Fantastic trip report and stunning pics, Chris. Glad you enjoyed it and many thanks for sharing with us landlubbers!


White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Dirka »

Hi Chris!
Sjoe...that is some pretty impressive consumption figures you have there for the 2.0 RAV.
I'm impressed.
May I request a little bit more info..
What was your general impressions wrt:

Power on uphill climbs?
Power on as in the overtaking scenario?
General gearing and ratio arrangement.
(Wat maak daai rev counter in top gear @ 120Km/h ens ?)
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Gert Greeff »

Goeie terugvoer en report Chris

Sent from my GT-I9190 using Tapatalk
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Dankie manne.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Dirk overall the RAV has really impressed me !!

The engine obviously has variable valve timing, but it also has some method via which the valve lift is altered for better breathing (power) at high revs. For typical driving the revs are between 2 and 3000 rpm, and you stay comfortably with the traffic.

You need to go over 4000rpm to feel the engine power up .... :twisted: :cooldude:

So if you really need a surge of power for a fast over take, gear down. Under 110km/h you gear down to third gear, half way past you engage 4th, and then the other vehicle gets small in your mirror.

I do believe the 6th gear is an over drive for fuel economy, thus for long hills one really should gear down. That said, for most hills she keeps her speed steady even in 6th. BUT, if slowed by another vehicle you certainly dont have grunt in 5th or 6th pick up speed on a hill, but that goes for 99% of vehicles.

The return trip may include some serious hilly terrain. Will experiment a bit ....

5th gear
100km/h @ 3100rpm
120km/h @ 3750rpm

6th gear
100km/h @ 2500rpm
120km/h @ 3100rpm

As this is below the revs where the valve timing and valve lift is altered you have a nice economical drive, and you do have sufficient power that other vehicles hold you back slightly .. but to pass others, or when you really need/want extra power you are going to have to gear down.

Must admit, I am wondering about the RAV as a tow vehicle .... anything larger than a Venter requires some power to tug along .... This lady is going to get thirsty if you keep her in 5th and keep the revs up all day ... But then, maybe this is why the 2,0 RAV has a tow limit of 1 ton.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Day 4

Slow meander back home.

Any map will tell you that it is a two hour drive from L'Agulhas to Cape Town .... :thumbup:

Any biker will tell you it can take as long as you want ..... :twisted: :twisted:

1999 I started working in Cape Town, again. This time it would be a 9 year stint of daily commute from Bellville to Cape Town. Fortunately I had some flexi-time going for me. Not long and I got a motorcycle for the commute. The little Honda served me well for a good few years. But after two near incidents I wanted ABS brakes ... Very few bikes in SA had ABS brakes at the time, and so I bought a 650GS from BMW. As a commuter it was excellent. But the salesman at Atlantic Motorrad (since closed down) had my number and kept bugging me to join a breakfast run. I finally ran out of excuses and joined a run, from Plattekloof to Franschoek. Roughly 40km along the N1, just what could these bikers get up to on such a short run ? MAN, was I in for a surprize !! Instead of turning onto the N1 we turned LEFT ... via Philadelphia (which is in the complete opposite direction) ,,, then criss-crossed all the way back to Stellenbosch .... finally did get to Franschoek - NEVER to look at a trip in the same way ! :cooldude: :mocking:

And in this same way I looked at the route markers in Bredasdorp. Left to Cape Town ... Right to Swellendam ... uhmmm ... Right it is. :taunt:

The rolling hills between Bredasdorp and the N2 is something a camera simply can not capture !! Right now it is absolutely breath taking. Farmers ploughing and planting the next crop, with the odd land already showing a clear green layer.
This is NOT flat, in fact the camera is at the end one loooong climb.
on top of yet another long hill, looking sideways at one very deep gorge.

From the N2 it was only a short stint to Swellendam. Yet another detour on this memory lane trip. My mom grew up in Swellendam. We drove past our grand parents old house ... :silent: Granddad always kept the place in top nick ! In the 20 years the new owner has been there he has done sweet nothing. :cry: Just glad my mom aint around to see it in this condition.

For the sports fans - Swellendam had the first registered rugby club in South Africa. Who would have thought ...

Like any old town the Church, Post Office and Police station were all centred in the middle of the main road. It is in this very same church my parents got married more than 50 years ago.
Then further along the N2, away from Cape Town. :siffler:

At Buffeljags it took all my will power to not turn in for a roosterkoek .... when ever you pass here DO do yourself a favour and have a roosterkoek !! :thumbup: Ek kwyl nog steeds ..... sal maar moet leer hoe om n roosterkoek te maak met wholewheat meel .....

Then the Zuurbraak turn off. Idle through this little town and then the turn to Tradouwpass. If this pass does not bring a smile to your dial ....
So many viewing points. So many bends to enjoy. And then you get to Barrydale. VERY popular with bikers. Well, very popular with anybody traveling the Route 62. Just please know the cops are very active here, have always been through the years.

When in this neck of the woods, DO make time for a cold one at Ronnie's S3X shop a few kilometers outside Barrydale, direction Outdshoorn. Ronnie had a padstal, Ronnie's Shop, long before a padstal was the in-thing. You know back when our parents used to pack a picnic mantjie for a long trip. And being way outside of town this little padstal had no hope of surviving. But Ronnie percevered. And each weekend his mates would drop in for a lekka party .... And was after one of these that a friend of his added the word "S3X" to his namebord. Today each and every tour bus doing Route 62 stops here. Ronnie sells the cold ones, and he now sub lets the restaurant. The restaurant is called "Roadkill cafe". Somewhere along the time line people started writing notes on the walls ... not much space left. And ladies started leaving their braziers, which now adorn the ceiling of the bar area .... Ronnie is still there. And if you happen to stop by on a quiet day, he may well sit down and play a round of chess with you.

But today we did not turn this way. We promptly turned left and headed back home via Route 62. Perfect spot to test the gearing and power of the RAV. Couple of kilometers later we got to another pass "On The Tradouw". This lady crests at 1234m, with one massive climb, and thanks to the long flowing bends you can actually keep your speed. I deliberately kept the RAV in 6th gear. Half way up she ran out of steam and I had to gear down to 4th for the remainder of this steep climb. For the rest of this run I kept the cruise control on 115km/h, slightly accelerating before the bottom of each dip, and gently backing off up the hill, until the cruise control kicked in to keep the speed up the hill - while staying in 6th gear. Fully expecting the RAV to struggle up some of these hills in 6th. Other than the long pass, the RAV not once flinched up any of these hills.

The truly surpizing bit - even with all those hills outside Bredasdorp, and the Route 62 section, the dashboard shows a fuel consumption of 7,7 l/100km. Allowing for the computer error previously noted, the fuel consumption is 7,9 l/100km or 12,65km/l. VERY HAPPY !! :yahoo: :cooldude:

At Montague we continued along the Keisie road. About 25 km outside Montague, at the top of the Burgerspass you look back at this beautiful scene -
Then through the Koo valley towards the N1. When in the area you may want to stop in at the Wagonwheel. 4x4 routes to keep everybody busy !! and all kinds of outdoor stuff ....

Then through the Hexriver valley. Really got me off gaurd ! I expected a collage of autumn colours ... not yet. Only 1 or 2 vineyards have changed colours, with a faint yellow hanging over the rest. This area can really put up a nice colour display !

One last final photo opportunity as we drove over the Du Toits kloof pass -
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Agteros »

Chris 2 vragies oor jou RAV:

1. Is daai standaard mag wiele? Dis regtig mooi en pas die kar.
2. In die prysklas - het jy iets anders oorweeg? Is daar kompetisie?
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Dowe Koos »

Hallo Chris, het jy nie al gewonder of jy 'n skrywer moet word nie, want jy maak my lus om my eie memory lane te doen. Dankie vir die intersante vertelling en die pragtige fotos. My memory lane kan strek oor die hele land, as kind het my pa sewentien keer getrek, maar ek was in die koshuis. Dit het gebeur dat as vakansie aan breek, bly ons in 'n ander dorp en dan het my pa altyd daardie wereld gaan verken. So het ek as kind redelik die hele land al gesien behalwe die hele westelike deel van die Noord Kaap. Bly jy geniet vir Langpad.
Ecc 1:9 Wat gewees het, dit sal daar weer wees; en wat gebeur het, dit sal weer gebeur, en daar is glad niks nuuts onder die son nie.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Agteros wrote:Chris 2 vragies oor jou RAV:

1. Is daai standaard mag wiele? Dis regtig mooi en pas die kar.
2. In die prysklas - het jy iets anders oorweeg? Is daar kompetisie?
1) Dit is die standaard vir die 2016 RAV 2.0. Die 2016 het soliede 5 speek wiele gehad, die een het "split-spoke" 5 speek wiele, op die 2,0. Ander modelle in die reeks het ander wiele, maar ek soek nog inligting om hulle uit te ken ...

2) uhm, ja .... mens dit was n deeglike soektog. My 4de Toyota, maar ek het ook al omtrent al die ander brands besit, so dit gaan meer oor die specs as die badge. MAAR, n paar opsies was wel van die lys verwyder omdat dit "low volume imports" was.

So paar van die voertuie waarna ek gekyk het :
Renault Duster - sou sekerlik n mededinger gewees het, maar Renault se rekord met lank wag vir parte ....

Mitsubishe se AWX is nogal vir my n mooi pakket ! En so bietjie goedkoper as die RAV.

Ietwat kleiner, maar die Suzuki se Vitara (nie die Grand Vitara) is nou weer terug in SA. Lyk na baie goeie waarde vir geld pakket !

Mazda se nuwe SUV kry nogal goeie reviews ... maar ek is baie versigtig vir Imperial met hul low volume imports ... hulle drop gou n reeks, dan bly sit jy.

Ek hou baie van die Ford Ecosport se "looks". Heelwat kleiner as die RAV, maar okay vir ons ... maar as ek kyk hoe gou my vrou daai RAV se boot volpak ... :crazy: Die Ford se wrap-around dash is iets waaraan mens gewoond sal moet raak ....

Mens moet eintlik die Ford Cuga vergelyk met die RAV ... heelwat duurder .. en steeds daai wrap around dash. Jy sit omtrent 100k by voor jy goed soos die park distance control bykry ... :thumbdown:

Honda HRV .... klim in een voor jy verder dink ... OF jy hou van dit of jy loop dadelik uit ..... Nie eens gevra oor die prys nie.

By VW het ek na die Caddy crewcab gekyk .... teen die tyd wat jy die "domestiese" model vat is hy ook vrek duur, en in petrol net te dors !! En dan sit jy ook nog laag. Ken nie hul SUV reekse goed genoeg om komentaar te lewer nie.

Hyundai en KIA het my verbaas (teleurgestel) - hul pryse is nou drastiese op, vergeleke met 5 jaar terug, toe was hulle goedkoper as die kompetisie, MET meer specs. Nou is die IX35 en Sportage in dieselfde prysklas, met MINDER specs !! Hoe kan jy vandag so groot voertuig verkoop sonder n rear view kamera as standaard ? Kom aan, ons weet mos dis n R1000 item. EN daar gaan doen Hyundai dit al weer ... IX35 van die mark en die Tycson kom terug ... Hulle hou aan om kontinuiteit te breek, en tweede handse waarde .... Nogal jammer want ons het al goeie diens gehad uit Hyundai voertuie.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Dowe Koos wrote:Hallo Chris, het jy nie al gewonder of jy 'n skrywer moet word nie, want jy maak my lus om my eie memory lane te doen. Dankie vir die intersante vertelling en die pragtige fotos. My memory lane kan strek oor die hele land, as kind het my pa sewentien keer getrek, maar ek was in die koshuis. Dit het gebeur dat as vakansie aan breek, bly ons in 'n ander dorp en dan het my pa altyd daardie wereld gaan verken. So het ek as kind redelik die hele land al gesien behalwe die hele westelike deel van die Noord Kaap. Bly jy geniet vir Langpad.
Hennie ek was maar onseker of die manne sou byt aan die skryf styl en stories ....

Bly dit gaan goed af.

Daar is nog BAIE stories !! My pa het BAIE getrek. Dink nie ons het langer as 3 jaar op een plek gewoon nie ....

My vakmanskap by Telkom gedoen, so BAIE kilos gedoen in daai era.

Met my volgende werk ook redelik werk gaan doen by kliente se terreine. Weereens lekker wyd gereis.
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Die N1 van Paarl tot Bellville het n paar lekker bulte ....

120km/h cruise control aan, en sie daar -
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Agteros »

Dankie vir die volledige terugantwoord Chris. Lyk my jy het jou huiswerk deeglik gedoen. My vrou jeuk vir 'n RAV daarom al my vrae. Sy wil outomaties he maar ek is bietjie versigtig vir daai CVT boks. Het jy 'n opinie oor hom?
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by ChrisF »

Het nie veel kennis van daai boks nie.

Hoor graag wat die ander manne sê ...

Vir CVT kan jy dan dalk ook kyk na Honda se HRV .... maar soos ek sê, daai wrap around dash is iets waarvan net party mense sal hou ....
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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Mud Dog »

Nice pics again. The Western Cape has some beautiful scenery, I need to get back down there again! :thumbup:
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Trip down memory lane

Post by Dirka »

Agteros wrote:Dankie vir die volledige terugantwoord Chris. Lyk my jy het jou huiswerk deeglik gedoen. My vrou jeuk vir 'n RAV daarom al my vrae. Sy wil outomaties he maar ek is bietjie versigtig vir daai CVT boks. Het jy 'n opinie oor hom?
Baie dankie Chris. Goeie terugvoer. :thumbup:
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