CB Radios in use

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High Range 4WD
High Range 4WD
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CB Radios in use

Post by Ronwob »

I would like to know if the old CB radios used in the 80s are still useful today.
I have a 40 channel General Electric. I need an aerial and speakers but don't want to spend money if these units are
no longer in use. If they are still used, what channels?
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Re: CB Radios in use

Post by Family_Dog »

Sorry, only saw this post now.

Pretty much dead nowadays, although there are scattered groups here & there still using CB radios.

A major problem is that new VHF radios cost the same - and sometimes less - than new CB radios and of course the reliable distances obtained by a VHF radio system compared to a CB system are like chalk & cheese.

The only legal channels are channels 19 through to 27, the radio must be 'blocked' to prevent access to other channels.


White Fang: 1999 2.7i DC Raider 4x4
Bull Dog: 1987 4Y-EFI 2.2 DC 4x4
Pra Dog: 1998 Prado VX 3.4
Hound Dog: 2000 2.7i SC 4x4

One Staffie, One Jack Russell, One Ring Neck Screecher, 17 Fish of questionable heritage

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