Cooper Dust Series

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Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Ek sien dis maar stil hier, maar ek wil iets se, en ek gaan iets se.

So 'n rukkie gelede het die Dust Challenge Series (DCS) in die Weskaap afgeskop met 2 baie suksesvolle geleenthede wat goed bygewoon is en wat baie goeie terugvoering gekry het. Ons wil dit bietjie wyer aan 'n groter gehoor bekendstel en daarom se ek dit hier.

Wat is die DCS? Dis makliker om te verduidelik waaroor die DCS NIE gaan nie. Almal sien die woord "Challenge" in die titel en onmiddellik doem prentjies van groot wiele, pypkarre en baie modder en stof wat vlieg en gedrogte wat teen kleiwalle hang op in hulle gedagtes. Nee, dis waaroor dit NIE gaan nie. Trouens, ons bou die hindernisse op so 'n manier dat Jan Alleman met sy splinternuwe Prado kan kom deelneem, sonder dat die voertuig beskadig of verniel word. Die DCS is 'n uitdaagreeks wat daarop gemik is om elke 4x4 bestuurder in die land (okay ons is nog nog net besig in die Weskaap maar ons mag droom) se 4x4 vernuf te toets op maniere wat dit nog nie vantevore gedoen is nie. Die DCS le klem op die regte gebruik van 'n GPS, navigasie van een punt tot 'n ander, die samewerking tussen bestuurder en navigator, hoe goed elke bestuurder sy/haar voertuig ken, hoe goed afstand en spoed geskat kan word en 'n groot skeut pret en plesier. Die DCS het dit ten doel om die bestuurder, eerder as die modifikasies aan die voertuig te toets, en sodoende die mees "denkende 4x4 bestuurder" te beloon met 'n prys aan die einde van die reeks.

Waaruit bestaan die DCS?
Die reeks van uitdagings bestaan uit die volgende:
Midnight is 'n nagry ervaring soos min. Van 21h00 die aand tot 04h00 die volgende oggend is die deelnemers se nagry vernuf tot die uiterste beproef waar hulle afstande tussen beheerpunte moes afle in 'n vasgestelde tyd oor ruwe 4x4 roetes met net die hulp van 'n koplampie, GPS en 'n roetekaart. By elke beheerpunt is 'n taak of hindernis aan die deelnemers gestel waar hulle punte kon sou hulle dit suksesvol afhandel. Die res van die punte is bereken volgens 'n "regularity raid" stelsel waarop die trajekte geskoei was. Die span wat die volle roete so naby as moontlik aan die voorgestelde tyd voltooi het, het dus die beste kans gestaan om te wen. Punte vir die onderskeie take/hindernisse is ook bygetel om dan die finale punt vir elke span te bepaal.

Sand is in Atlantis Duine aangebied. Nie 'n herhaling van die jaarlikse Atlantis Funday nie, maar eerder iets heel anders. Weereens het bestuurders by die aanvang van die uitdaging 5 stelle GPS koordinate gekry wat hulle moes gebruik om 'n roete deur die duine te plot. By elkeen van die 5 GPS koordinate was 'n bemande beheerpunt, met 'n hindernis wat hulle moes voltooi. By elk van die 5 beheerpunte is hulle van 'n ekstra GPS koordinaat voorsien waar 'n onbemande beheerpunt vir hulle gewag het. Deelnemers moes dan die nuwe punt in berekening bring om nog steeds die kortste moontlike roete te plot. In totaal was daar 10 beheerpunte en elke span se navigasie vermoee is tot die uiterste beproef om al die beheerpunte op te spoor en te besoek. Teen 14h00 die middag is die eindfluitjie geblaas en is almal terug na die wegspring waar die puntestand bereken is en die wenners aangewys is.

Daar is nog 2 uitdagings in die reeks van 4 wat voorle. Hierdie is reeds uitgele, die roetes is bepaal (wel soortvan) en die enjins luier al. As jy nou eers hiervan te hore kom, is daar dus nog 2 kanse om te kwalifiseer vir die Finaal...

Modder Pret. Tradisionele moddergatpret, maar anders. Ons poog om almal net 'n lekker modderbad te gee, terwyl hulle "dink". Ons kan nie veel hieroor se nie, want daar is nie veel wat ons kan se nie, behalwe miskien, trek maar waterskoene aan.

DCS bied aan 'n mini naweektoer. Deelnemers begin by 'n bymekaarkomplek nie te ver van Kaapstad nie. Daar sal elke span 'n roete kry om te ry en wanneer dit gedoen is word die GPS koordinate van 'n volgende bymekaarkomplek oorhandig en moet die deelnemers soontoe vertrek vir nog 'n uitdaging. Uiteindelik word die deelnemers op 'n toer gestuur waar hulle GPS punte moet opspoor en bietjie meer leer van die omgewing waarin hulle hulself bevind. Die dag gaan redelik vol wees, en kanse is goed dat party deelnemers eers na donker by die oornagpunt kan aankom. Deelnemers kampeer aan die einde van 'n 4x4 roete in 'n kampterrein wat die minimum geriewe bied. Basies 'n grasperk en dalk 'n paar bome. By die oornagpunt aangekom word daar tot ounag toe rondom 'n lekker warm kampvuur gekuier. Die volgende oggend word die kamp opgebreek en almal vertrek terug huis toe.

By elkeen van die "uitdun rondtes" word 3 wenners aangewys. Hierdie is spanne wat bewys het hulle het die beste gevaar in daardie spesifieke disipline van 4x4 ry en wen hulle 'n inskrywing in die finaal. In totaal sal daar na die 4 uitdunne dus 12 Finaliste wees. Die Finaal word aangebied in die Tankwa Karoo oor 'n tydperk van 3 dae. Daar word lekker baie stowwerige 4x4 ry in droee rivierlope, klipkoppies en smal tweespoorpaadjies in die vooruitsig gestel. En dan wanneer die son sak word sundowners geniet op 'n klipkoppie met 'n das (verpligtend) en baadjie (that's pushing it)... Aan die einde van die Finaal word al die punte bymekaar getel, sompompies word hard geslaan en rook trek by party mense se ore uit en dan word die DCS:All Terrain Masters bekroon. Die span wat bewys het hulle is op alle terreine bobaas. Trofee word uitgedeel, almal sit dasse aan en geniet 'n Tankwa Bonfire met gepaardgaande vleisbraai en feestelikhede.....

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I will translate... but not right now... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: But just so quickly if you have gumboots and a tie you are suitably dressed... :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ChrisF »

Thys waar en wanneer is die volgende "event"?
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ThysdJ »

Chris die Mud&Grime event word op Saterdag 13 Aug aangebied by Dirt & Dust. Kom as 'n spektateerder as jy nie kans sien om deel te neem nie. Ons verwelkom altyd iemand wat mooi fotos kan neem... :twisted: :twisted: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Vir meet oor die hele reeks lees hier" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ThysdJ »

Here are some pictures of the Mig&Grime event we held on the weekend. It was well attended despite the rain and wind, and the wet conditions made walking a challenge, let alone driving.. Heaps of fun was had by all..

Image Link Broken

Image Link Broken

Image Link Broken

For more pictures visit the Dust Media page. ... -pictures/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ChrisF »

Dit lyk LEKKER :)
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by Matewis007 »

Ai bliksem hoe kon ek dit dan nou mis
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ThysdJ »

Moenie uitmis op die volgende een nie.... 'n Weekend Challenge met 'n spitbraai en kamp... ... ries-open/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by swartvark »

Julle moet inskryf ouens!!! Gerrie en Thys het hulself regtig oortref met hierdie reeks uitdagings.
Ek het die vooreg gehad om saam rond te ploeter by die Sand uitdaging en deel te neem aan die Modder jol. Dit was GREAT!.
Ek moet nou net 'n GPS aanskaf, sodat ek volgende keer aan die hele Reeks kan deelneem. :blushing:

Ek hoop dit gaan 'n jaarlikse ding wees?.....10 uit 10 vir Dust Media en Team Offroad. :thumbup:
unnamed (1).jpg
unnamed (5).jpg
unnamed (7).jpg
MUD........GLORIOUS MUD!!!!!

Your friendly VW salesperson......(with a passion for SFA Hiluxes)

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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ThysdJ »

Tiaan, ons gaan hard probeer om dit 'n jaarlikse reeks te maak. Die konsep is uniek, dis nie iets wat elders bestaan nie en dis iets met ongelooflik baie potensiaal... Ons is commited vir hierdie jaar, reg deur tot die Finaal.

Ons leer verskriklik baie, dis nie kinderspeletjies om hierdie goed te reel nie, en dit kos nie kleingeld nie. Die ouens met die venues raak van hulle koppe af as jy praat van 'n event hou op hulle perseel, dan charge hulle net wat hulle wil. Ons kan dus nie altyd die venues kry wat ons wil he nie, so ons moet maar maak doen met wat ons kry.

Atlantis Duine is byvoorbeeld 'n "No-Go" om 'n event te reel as jy nie hare op jou tande het nie... En dis nie goedkoop nie, en hulle is propvol nonsens. Ons moes 'n Environmental Officer huur vir die dag, en toilette en ons mag glad nie, nie eers op die parkeer area, kos voorberei het nie. Geen fotograwe is toegelaat nie... omdat ons nie 'n "photoshoot" permit uitgeneem het nie.... En meeste van die reels en regulasies het in die laaste week voor die event opgeduik. Nadat alles gelde inbetaal was en ons nie meer die ding kon kanseleer/verskuif nie..

Op die stadium is ons "out of pocket" en breek ons nog nie regtig gelyk nie.. Die Finaal le nog voor en dit gaan 'n aardige bedraggie geld kos om te reel. Maar, soos die Engelsman se, In for a Penny, in for a Pound.. Ons byt vas en druk deur.. Omdraai is daar nie, as ons die jaar reg doen en dit is 'n sukses, kom daar hopelik volgende jaar 'n sponsor of 2 aan boord wat kan help met van die kostes. Vir die Finaal het ons Maxxis aan boord gekry, hulle sponsor vir ons 'n R10000 tyre voucher as prys vir die wenner.

Tot dusver lyk die terugvoering van die deelnemers fantasties, ons het manne wat al 3 die uitdagings bygewoon het, so ons moet iets reg doen.. Maar eintlik is die ouens wat die ding laat vlot verloop ons Marshals. Sonder hulle sou ons niks reggekry het nie..
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ChrisF »

Thys die photoshoot permit is nog n DA-regering gemors ....

Ek mag met my P&S enige plek fotos neem. Maar sodra dit "public space" is moet ek n permit hê as ek my lang lense wil uithaal.

Moenie eens dink daaraan om n paar trou fotos op die strand te wil neem nie. Die plaaslike regering is vol strooi met die goed !!

So paar jaar terug was dit net n vorm en n klein bedrag om toestemming te kry - absurde moeite vir n tipiese Saterdag middag foto-sessie. Maar dit was nie duur nie.

Ek weet nie wat die proses vandag is nie.
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Re: Dust Series (DS)

Post by ThysdJ »

2017 is here. And we are working hard behind the scenes to get this thing up and running again this year.

The name changed somewhat. Now not the Dust Challenge Series any longer, we want te get away from the "Chellenge" part of it, because people seem to think it entails breaking your vehicle. So we changed it to Dust Series. Thats it. Dust Series.

3 Events in total this year, Sand, Midnight and Mud&Grime. Top 3 in each of these qualifiers get an automatic entry into the Finals in the Tankwa Karoo. Last year's Finals was a Huge success.

Twist in the tail. We are going National. Yes, we are also presenting a Dust Series in the Free State, you guessed it, Dust Series : Free State and we are negotiating with some guys to also present it in the Gauteng region. Same thing, top 3 of each region also comes to Tankwa Karoo for the Finals. It's going to be BIG this year.

See if you can get around to joining in the fun. Last year was a success, we are aiming to make it a better one this year. :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ThysdJ »

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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ThysdJ »

Some reading on thec 2 Dust Series events we did in the Western Cape so far this year. We are taking a "winter break" and will be back in September with a visit to Lambert's Bay dunes, for a day/weekend in the sand.

Dust series also went National, with events also being held in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Freestate. Watch out for a BIG final this year in Tankwa where all regions will send their top 10 of the Series to duke it out for the right to call themselves Dust Series Champs.

Dust Series : WC - Midnight - From Stikland to Hopefield overnight ... he-winner/

Dust Series : WC - Dirt - Welgelegen4x4 in the rain. ... e-are-six/.
Thys de Jager
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Re: Dust Challenge Series (DCS)

Post by ThysdJ »

The qualifiers for 2017 are done and dusted and we have 10 Finalists to do battle with the other 4 regions for the Cooper Dust Series Championship Crown.


Read more about it here:
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Re: Cooper Tyres Dust Series (DS)

Post by ThysdJ »

And so Cooper Dust Series 2017 came to an end.

The competitors in the COOPER DUST SERIES TANKWA FINAL for 2017 sweated it out in the GRAND FINAL. in the end, there could be only one Champion, and that is the team of Elrico Koen and Pierre Genis in a Land Rover Discovery 3.

After a year in which they had to wait for the final Cooper Dust Series Western Cape event to qualify for the grand finale, Elrico Koen and his ‘heavy’, Pierre Genis, justified the bragging rights they won in the first Dust Series, and walked away with the spoils again. They were crowned as the defending champions for the Cooper Dust Series in the Tankwa Karoo for 2017.


In a competition that is aimed at the normal guy on the street, where vehicles that are built up to the max are not at an advantage over your daily runner, this mostly standard Land Rover Discovery 3 with the only modification being the 35-inch Cooper Tyres, showed that it is not all about displacement. Driver skill and navigator know-how proved to be the winning combination. And only just, because Herman and Henry Neethling, in a stock standard short-wheel base Mitsubishi Pajero came in second.

It was all down to the wire, as Elrico and Pierre were clear frontrunners after the first day’s rally event, but Herman and Henry gave it their all and got the number one spot for the second day of obstacle driving and a time trial. In the end, consistency from the brothers-in-law from Bellville, and their third place on the second day of competition proved the deciding factor.


The third place went to another set of brothers-in-law, this one hailing from the Free State, where Louis Kok and Henri Storm can keep their heads high with their Toyota Hilux and the bragging rights that comes with being the champions from the Free State.


The smaller Gauteng contingent was represented well by Neppie and Doret Nepgen, in another standard Mitsubishi Pajero, claiming 10th spot overall, and the crown as the Gauteng Champions. With only two competitors making the trek from Mpumalanga to the Tankwa Karoo, Johan Swanepoel and Rocco Stofberg are taking the trophies home as the regional champions from the Lowveld.


On the first day, competitors were sent on a navigation course through and around the Tankwa Karoo. A lunch/refuelling stop in the isolated little town of Middelpos gave them a chance to stretch their legs before setting of on the final stage and the last stretch of their 240 odd km navigation stage. The spot where their trek ended is a place that will not be easily forgotten by those that do not know the Tankwa, or by those that do. At the top of Ouberg pass, with the wind wreaking havoc and the sun setting on a long day, competitors were treated to some of the best burgers this side of the Limpopo river before setting of down the pass and back to camp.



The aim of this part of the competition was to get the drivers out and exploring, while sticking to a target time that prevents unsafe speeding. Some instructions at various checkpoints to take pictures also ensured that they at least go home with some memories that might sometimes be forgotten in a competition setting.

After arriving back in camp around midnight, most teams hit the sack in anticipation of the next day of competition that would see some real 4×4 action – challenging the drivers, navigators and vehicles.There were four obstacles where drivers had the opportunity to show their skill. With hardly anyone backing down and choosing the easier option, the gauntlet was thrown down. On virgin ground where no vehicle has driver before, with shale rock as sharp as knives that looks like “someone threw a box of tiles out of heaven,” as Denille de Kock described it, the drivers attempted these four obstacles. As is the norm for Cooper Dust Series events, drivers had the choice between an easier or a difficult line. The difficult line being the one that scores the big points, but it could also be the one that catches you out. But it was apparent why these competitors were the qualifiers from their regions. Hardly anyone gave an inch and everyone went for the win.



The final event of the day was a time trial over an obstacle course that really had the drivers coming out firing to see who knows their vehicle the best. Taking a wrong line or not carrying enough momentum could mean the difference between a good time, or having to be recovered. Of the 21 cars competing, three had to be recovered.



In the end, Elrico Koen’s performance on the first day, sealed the victory for him, following it up with a strong showing on the second day, and consistency all the way through.

“With four regions taking part it really goes to show that the winner of the inaugural competition could defend his crown. But, now that other regions have had a taste of the way we do it in the Cooper Dust Series, I suspect that the onslaught will be much tougher next year,” says Gerrie van Eeden, organiser of the Cooper Dust Series


With a possible 3 new regions joining the fray, to push it up to seven competing regions, each offering 10 finalists, the task will be so much harder to keep the trophy and the bragging rights. For now, Elrico and Pierre can keep their heads high, as well as each competitor that made it to the Tankwa, and made it safely back home again. Because even though there could be only one winner, everyone has made new friends, and made memories that will last a lifetime. That is why we drive 4×4’s, after all.



Thys de Jager
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by Huismoeles »

Well done Oom :thumbup:
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Sien ons jou volgende jaar daar Dirk?
Thys de Jager
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by Huismoeles »

Ek glo so.
Was so biekie uit die game gewees.
Maar is nou terug
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Welkom terug Dirk. Ons het ouens daar nodig wat die Land Rovers bietjie kan opkeil.. :thumbup: :thumbup:
Thys de Jager
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by Toybox »

Ai, look at that beautiful lux....
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Toybox wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:38 am Ai, look at that beautiful lux....
It's a beaut Jono, and still a brute.. :thumbup: :thumbup: and Bertie finished 5th Overall.

Thys de Jager
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by Huismoeles »

ThysdJ wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:37 am Welkom terug Dirk. Ons het ouens daar nodig wat die Land Rovers bietjie kan opkeil.. :thumbup: :thumbup:
:siffler: :siffler: Ry self nou n Land rover
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Huismoeles wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:05 pm
ThysdJ wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:37 am Welkom terug Dirk. Ons het ouens daar nodig wat die Land Rovers bietjie kan opkeil.. :thumbup: :thumbup:
:siffler: :siffler: Ry self nou n Land rover
Kon seker erger gewees het... :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Our first Cooper Dust Series event is taking place on 14 April 2018 at Honingklip just outside Botrivier. The purpose of the Dust Series is not to be a vehicle breaker. We lay out the obstacles in such a way that drivers of ordinary "off the floor" vehicles can also take part alongside the heavily modified vehicles and have an equal chance at winning the event. We aim to test driver skill rather than vehicle modifications. :thumbup: :thumbup:

If you want to take part, we still have some spots open. Click here to enter : ... ries-open/.

Thys de Jager
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »


The first event of the Cooper Dust Series in the Western Cape for 2018 has come and finally the dust has settled. Honingklip farm outside Botrivier was the scene for an iconic event that saw 22 teams take part to try and walk away the victors.

But it was once again a big man in a small Suzuki, Willie Mostert, that showed all comers how it should be done. Oom Willie’s precision and knowledge of his vehicle was the deciding factor in this tough event. Second place on the podium went to the family from Trawal with Johan Van Zyl showing his brother, Herman, and father, Altus, how it’s done. It is exciting to have a family compete as hard as this, and we look forward to some more action from the Van Zyls for the year to come. The Van Zyls each drive a beautifully prepared Hilux V6 Vigo.

The last spot on the podium, and the all-important final qualifier for the Cooper Dust Series Grand Final, was the defending national Champion, Elrico Koen. He squeaked into third place, only just besting Deon Vizagie by three points. But as the saying goes: “Checks the scoreboard.”

Elrico can now sleep easy in the knowledge that he will be there to defend his title come end of the year.

The rest of the results follows below. We look forward to the next event – in the Tankwa – at night – it is going to be epic and unlike ANYTHING you have done before. Keep your eyes open for the entries for that one – we will limit the number of cars, so don’t sleep on it.

The our own Tiaan and Mikey with Swartvark had a breakdown at the Sand Pit, leaving them out of the running.


1 Willie Mostert 756
2 Johan van Zyl 681
3 Elrico Koen 673
4 Deon Vizagie 670
5 Herman van Zyl 638
6 Charles Muller 567
7 José Galhardo 552
8 Benjamin Hobley 550
9 Micheal Simpson 534
10 Denille de Kock 532
11 Andrew Geel 528
12 Pierre Henning 503
13 Juan Wilson 492
14 Segal Rieger 479
15 Rowan Alexander 454
16 Altus van Zyl 436
17 Clinton May 338
18 Kevin Alp 338
19 Angie de Kock 332
20 Tiaan Smith 262
21 Paul Lipari 242
22 Francis Hitchinson 197
Thys de Jager
Fired as CEO and Refreshments Manager at Team Offroad.

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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Here is a video of the first Dust Series qualifier in the Western Cape

phpBB [video]

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Thys de Jager
Fired as CEO and Refreshments Manager at Team Offroad.

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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by Mud Dog »


Did Tiaan manage to sort his steering arm and continue?
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers ... what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

Unfortunately Swartvark's injury was terminal. They fell out, and were "flatbedded" home. I believe Swartvark is up and running again. Ready for the next one. :thumbup: :thumbup:
Thys de Jager
Fired as CEO and Refreshments Manager at Team Offroad.

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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by Mud Dog »

:thumbup: He has some points to catch up on now. :D:
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers ... what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.
Don't take life too seriously ..... no-one gets out alive.
It's not about waiting for storms to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
And be yourself ..... everyone else is taken!
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

I dont think they are too worried about making up points. Although Tiaan and Mikey are a formidable team, they are mostly in it for the fun, not so much to win the series. Hopefully they will be at the next one, in the Tankwa at night, on 30 June. :thumbup:
Thys de Jager
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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

The Tankwa Karoo is going to come alive with the sound of 4x4's battling it out for top honours in the 2nd Episode of the Cooper Dust Series WC on 30/06/2018. Bear in mind, top 3 gets automatic entry into the Grand Final and the chance to compete with the winners from the 6 other regions in the only true National 4x4 competition around.

This is going to be an interesting one. Based at the Halfway House Farm Stall on the Ceres/Calvinia road, we are going to drive on a predetermined 15km track from 20h00 on 30/06 till about 02h00 the next morning in an Enduro style competition with a number of obstacles to do along the way. One lap, one obstacle, with a compulsory pit stop between laps, when competitors will draw a number for the next obstacle they need to visit. All this at night, with limited light. The organisers have set up a host of interesting obstacles aimed specifically at testing the driver's more than the capability of the vehicle. Be aware, unless you do your homework, if you rush in, you will be caught out! Other than this the organisers also have a few unexpected tricks up their sleeves... Competitors need to keep their eyes wide open to not miss them, and lose valuable points.

If you want to join in the fun, check the flyer below for details of how to enter. If you are still confused, contact me at or Gerrie at

See you there!!
Thys de Jager
Fired as CEO and Refreshments Manager at Team Offroad.

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Re: Cooper Dust Series

Post by ThysdJ »

The second event in the Cooper Dust Series Western Cape took place in the pitch black darkness of the Tankwa Karoo. All the teams that made the trek to Halfway House in the Tankwa, had great fun, and despite the cold and dark, the spirits remained high.

On a 15 km lap there were four obstacles one of which each team had to attempt on each lap. Danie Lötter made his intentions clear right from the get go and, even though it was not a race, he set off on the course at some speed, with other contestants struggling to keep up.

All teams were required to do at least 8 laps on the evening, with any extra laps adding extra points (worked out on an average for the extra number of laps they did) to their total.

Despite Danie’s charge from the front, it was the Van Zyl-brothers from Klawer who domitated proceedings with first and second place on the evening. And just to show that it is not all about modifications and how much torque an engine has, Maartin van Rensburg in his stock standard Mitsubishi Triton took the last podium spot. All Danie’s hard work was not for nothing, though, as he claimed fourth spot on the evening, but with Johan van Zyl already having sewn up his spot at the final at the first event in 2018, Danie got the next best qualifier spot to book his place in the final for 2018.

The next event will be held in October as there was a clash of dates with our original date at the end of August. More details will follow shortly.

This one will be a humdinger in the dunes, as five of last year’s finalists are still chomping at the bit for a chance to make it to the final again. Perhaps a wildcard entry for them is still up for grabs, but it will come down to the wire.

The full results table for the second event is below.

1 Johan van Zyl 952
2 Herman van Zyl 748
3 Maartin van Rensburg 746
4 Danie Lotter 738
5 AJ Liebenberg 703
6 Boeta Viljoen 680
7 Herman Neethling 596
8 Graham Lindemann 582
9 Christo Benkewitz 548
10 Marius Uys 520
11 Gerrie Beukes 360
Thys de Jager
Fired as CEO and Refreshments Manager at Team Offroad.

2018 FJ Cruiser - #stofgevreet
1984 Mercedes 126 Black Widow Vernon Koekemoer Edition

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