Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Henk_B »

Chris, dis baie goed dat jy hierdie draadjie skryf.

Ek is betrokke by baie kliniese studies, en het jare ondervinding met diabetiese middels ens.

Ek neem aan jou is nou ongeveer op 500-1000mg metformin?

Dit is goed dat jy die leefstyl so aanpas, en dat jy gewig verloor. Dit is awesome. Dit is ook baie goed dat jy jou bloedglukose toets, en dat jy weet wat jy moet doen. Daai 2.4 is gevaarlik laag, jy kan bly wees jy het nie bewusteloos geraak of semi in koma verval nie.

Eetgewoontes (en wat jy eet) is ongelooflik belangrik. Jy kan baie eet, maar van die regte kos. Vleis en groente is baie goed. Ek as n reel eet nie meer rys ens nie. Patats, pampoen, wortels ens is baie goed, solank dit sonder botter of suiker gedoen is. Aartappels is gif.

Ek het al baie navorsing gedoen oor die banting storie, en doen dit al vir n hele rukkie. Ek het lab toetse geneem verlede jaar April, en die jaar april. My cholesterol was 5 (wat boonste limit is). Na jaar van banting (meer vet inneem en sny koolhidrate) is my cholesterol af na 3.5 toe. My HbA1C was af van 5.1 na 4.8 toe, wat ook baie goed is. Mens leer basies jou liggaam om op ander brandstof the hardloop, en dus verlig dit die druk op die pankreas. Dit is wat die banting dieet so goed maak. Maar ek verstaan dat dieetkundiges nog swaar sluk aan dit (ek het saam met dieetkundiges geswot ook, en weet hoe hulle koppe werk). As mens net carbs vervang met vet en proteien, is dit baie goed. Ek sorg dat ek so 50% proteien, 30% vet en minder as 20% carbs inneem. Ek voel goed, en my lyf werk ook baie beter so. My bloeddruk het al geval van 140-90 na 120/80 toe, wat goeie nuus vir my is.

Hou so aan, sterkte. Dis goed om te sien dat jou hele familie saam met jou is.

Net ter afsluiting: Alcohol is gif. Maak nie saak of dit skoon whiskey is nie. Mens het ensieme in jou liggaam wat alcohol omskakel na suiker, en dit gebruik vir energie. Dus is daai tot whiskey wat mens vat, net so goed soos n sny wit brood.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

Henk ek gebruik tans Diaphage 850. Geen idee hoe dit vergelyk met die metformin nie.

Ek het tans twee vriende wat nou pre-diabetic is. Hulle sukkel met die eet storie ... Laat my net weer besef ek is gelukkig om so "cold-turkey" te kon stop met die ou kosse.

Dit help baie dat my vrou my ondersteun, asook ons vriende. Ons braai steeds weekliks saam, net die bykosse en versnapperinge wat nou anders is.

Maar baie Genade.

En ek IS dankbaar.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Henk_B »

Bly om te hoor ChrisF. Baie mense sukkel om die lekker (lees ongesonde) kos te laat gaan, min wetend dat daar net sulke lekker en gesonde kos aan die "ander" kant van die heining is.

Diaphage is maar net die medikasie se naam, metformin is die aktiewe bestandeel.

Ek het baie pasiente al gesien blind gaan of ledemate verloor agv diabetes, en n hele klomp al sien doodgaan ook. Nie mooi nie. Hoe vinniger mens dit kan beheer, hoe beter is jou lewe vorentoe.
Well done!
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Vlak vark »

Henk wat was jou tricylerides. Want meeste diabete het n kolesterol probleem. Dit gaan nie net oor jou slegte kolesterole maar die hele lipogram profeel. En ek kan nie glo dat banting goed is vir iemand wat hoe triclycerides telling het nie. Want dus juis die telling wat jou n indikasie ger van jou vet inname. Ek was al in hierdie laaste 2 jaar aleenlik. 3 keer amper dood weens ketoacidose. As ek begin gewig verloor vinnig. Weet ek. Ek is oppad ICU toe. Want dan is ek in ketoacidose.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

... health ....
... treatment ....

NOTE - Bit of a philosophical post

Fair to say 2016 have been "interesting" for my family and I.

Having been diagnosed as a diabetic we make a decision to change our live style. Yes, some hard choices had to be made - silly as it may sound, I still miss my bacon-and-egg breakfast. But with a bit of planning I now make some nice healthy omletts. And in this way it is possible to find suitable and acceptable alternatives to most of our treats.

The health benefits of this altered life style have seriously surprised us !! :cooldude: :thumbup:

now for the philosophical part -

The FIRST thing my best buddie told me: "You better watch your feet. It often happens to diabetics that limbs are amputated...." I happen to know a diabetic that have had limbs amputated. In the following months MANY people have repeated this same sentiment ...

I now see diabetics that know their diagnosis, yet refuse to give up "that one pleasure", be-it excessive starch, drink etc. Okay, "excessive" is a very relative term. Pretty sure they believe that a slightly higher dose of meds balance their life style ... after all, we are adults and each to his own ....

Saw something VERY strange this week ! Person that knows his diabetic status ... urine test is off the charts !! Yet he refuse a finger prick test to check his sugar levels (not on religeous grounds). Carries on to admit that he does not use his meds. WHY would a young person do this ? Surely this is nothing but a drawn out suicide ?
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Mud Dog »

I now feel very guilty ...... polished off a small slab of chocolate on my own in front of the TV last night! :D:
Something I don't do often at all, but then I don't have a sugar problem. :winkx:
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

hehehe ....

Andy that's why I added the word "excessive" in my post.

Even the diabetic diet allows for some indulgence - dependant on the type of diagnoses.

This gent, in his 30's, that knows he is diabetic, but refuses meds and refuses to be tested ... sorry but I just cant understand that.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Agteros »

This is a VERY interesting thread.
I am healthy (as far as I know according to my last blood tests) but I desperately need to lose weight. My cholesterol (was) a bit on the high side but we don't have any cardio logic problems in family or history thereof. My father died 2 months short of 90 because of complications with a broken hip and my mother now at 83 is fairly healthy.

I know I should drink less wine...struggling. :shh:

P.S. Sorry, I wanted to ask a question - my breakfast is a bowl of Jungle oats in the morning - are those carbs good or bad?
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

... good or bad .... ? :subscribed: :siffler:

When I was forced to understand what I eat, I visited the dietician and sadly did a lot og googling as well ....

THIS is one topic where google is down right dangerous !! Because anybody and everybody can promote their own interpretation as the gospel, and the best talker is not always the best informed.

So please take my advise for what it is worth - my interpretation of what my dietitian told me, and what she told me was tempered for a diabetic with a specific medical profile. What she told another friend is NOT exactly the same, even though my friend is pre-diabetic, or is it exactly because my friend is PRE-diabetic.

Thus advise really should be seen in context of various factors, and a specific eating plan (various options, not a restrictive diet) is a VERY personal thing !!

An active sportsperson will have a totally different eating plan, to non-sports person .... sure you get the idea.

So what are the constants ?

- balanced eating plan. often reffered to as "plan-your-plate". basically it means 25% meat + 25% starch + 25% non-starch. DO note various vegatibles are starch products.
- healthy breakfast. What was news to me, is the need to alter your breakfast, ie not a single product every morning. I now eat the following breakfasts (not all on the same morning :siffler: ) Oats {the original Jungle Oats} (my doctors favourite), Whole Pronutro, Meusli (Vital, Weigh less, low fat options), All bran high fibre.
- SNACKS ... smaller portions (lunch and supper) with snacks between meals helps you to not go hungry and over indulge at the next session. NO, chips are not snacks. :twisted: Rice cakes, crackerbreak with low fat Melrose, Cuppa Soupe LITE, 10 to 15 cashew nuts, wilds-biltong, and off course fresh fruit.
- sugar ... reduce as much as possible. I have switched to Candarel. DO note that your coffee tastes different with sweeteners, and each coffee reacts differently to the different types of sweetners. It took me a few weeks to find what I like.

I lost a LOT of weight by virtue of just eating right. BUT, that last bit of "flab" will require some physical activity ... :crazy:
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

Saw the specialist again this morning.

VERY happy with my blood sugar readings !!! With the current rate of improvement my meds may soon be reduced from 850mg down to 500mg.

Do remember that in March the 850 was "too light" and I needed much stronger meds in the morning for a couple of months.

GOOD to see the rewards of really giving this new lifestyle my all.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Henk_B »

Awesome Chris. Well done. I wish a lot of Diabetics would do as you do. Keep on going!
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

And so a year has passed ..... and what a year it has been ....

2 March 2016 it was confirmed I have Type 2 diabetes.

I have some friends that have gone down the road. Know a few that have lost limbs. Neighbour had his leg amputated last year. Another died of a double hart attack, apparently linked to the diabetes ...

I decided to go 100% at a healthy life style .. no half measures. Helps to be a bit OCD ... :shh:

we now ONLY eat as per the diabetic eating plans, which actually means we have MANY MANY options. We actually now have a wider variety than the old "rys-vleis-en-aartappels" ...

Took 2 months to loose the first 2kg, then my body addapted and I started loosing weight, and some more and yet more .... finally settled at 84kg, from 102kg a year ago.

Since then I have picked up to 85kg, while my body fat has dropped to 17% :yahoo: :celebrate:

My arthritic knees are MUCH better now !! Actually started cycling to work and back a few days per week. Okay, it is only 4,5kg one way. That short distance excercise has done me a LOT of good !! You dont need to an Argus every second day for your health ....

And the result of this ? On 2 March 2017, exactly 1 year later, I had another set of blood tests. HBA1C is the real indicator of how you are doing. According to this I am doing VERY well !! Real possibility that my meds can be further lowered - thus being the same as given to pre-diabetics.

now let me choose my words carefully -
- on the one hand I am thankful to our Creator
- on the other this is a reminder that "life style" diseases needend be a one-way street. Change your life style and your body can recover to some extent.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Family_Dog »

Well done Chris!!

Keep it up :thumbup:


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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Froll »

Good news Chris. :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Mud Dog »

Good to hear! Glad you're doing well. :thumbup:
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Haboob »

Well done Chris.
I have not read this thread before, but have now taken time to go through the whole thread and am very impressed by your determination to succeed, but I never doubted this from you, just by the way you tackle all the projects you start.
You have a great family and friend support base and you will always succeed in what you do.
Congratulations on your success and I hope you and your support base the very best for the future. Now I need to sort out my life. Thanks for being a good example of what I need to do.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

Thanks guys

Edge I often wonder where one draws the line between social media and private life .....

Hopefully this thread may be a postive example to others dealing with lifestyle issues.

Yes. Every so often I still put in the 60+ hour work week. Very often I get up at 4 to capture some design thoughts or to seach SANS codes for compliance issues of new designs. But I try to limit my work stress .... certainly not easy in my game .... eating healthy is becoming easier .... cycling 2 to 3 times a week is now a standard pattern (only 10 km per day).

Had a couple of ROUGH weeks ...buried a 20 year old last Sarurday ... burying my FIL tomorrow ..... put in days leave today to regroup....
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Mud Dog »

Sorry to hear of your losses, Chris - always a time of stress besides the grief. Our sincere condolences.
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

FIL was in the sick-bay for more than a year, 82 years old. This buriel is sort of "okay", as deaths go ...

What hit us hard was that his buriel was pushed back so that Henro could come back from Naval exercises. Mid February Henro was one of three navel staff that passed away in Durban trying to save municipal workers out of a man-hole .... 6 died on that day. Henro was only 20 years old. He was the son of my wife's younger brother.

Burying such a young kid and seeing the family really drains you emotionally .....

So today we are in Hermanus taking a day to recharge our batteries.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Mr_B »

Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear of your loss. Never easy saying good bye to a family member that passed so early in life.

Well done of the lifestyle changes... it's never a waste posting your progress here as it's definitely inspired me to think about eating better and getting a bit more exercise!

Mr B
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

Feedback time -

February 2016 diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

April 2016 - meds not working, stronger meds, with the real possibility of insulin injections as the next step ....

healthy life style kicked in and I started losing weight. Sugar figures stabilised, even started improving. Later in 2016 the meds was reduced to 2 of 850mg per day.

Early 2017 I had a "HBA1C" blood test done - it tells the doc of your blood suger numbers for the previous 3 months (tell all on those that cheat..) The results came back good. :)

Last week I had a follow up consult, and yet another HBA1C test. Results GOOD.

Just got the call from the doc. New prescription - dosage reduced to 500mg, same as for a "pre-diabetic". :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :celebrate: :celebrate:
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Family_Dog »

Shot Chris! You must be feeling on top of the world with this excellent news!!


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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Mars »

Very well done Chris. It shows you what can be achieved through perseverance and faith.
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Froll »

Good news Chris. :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Baasvark »

Well done!

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Aint it ironic that "Common Sense" aint so common after all...
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

Baasvark wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2017 6:44 pm Well done!

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk
And when you do pop in for that braai, it will be a nice steak and salad ..... :mocking: :shh:

if you want carbs, that could be arranged as well :lmao:

Used to go through 10kg bag of potatoes per month .... have used less than 3kg total in the last 18 months. :o:
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Mud Dog »

Hats off Chris, but YOH! No potatoes with your meat!!?? That's rough! :D:
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by ChrisF »

Mud Dog wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:49 pm Hats off Chris, but YOH! No potatoes with your meat!!?? That's rough! :D:
Last February I would have gone to war to ensure I can have my potatoes .... :mocking:

With a basic understanding of "carbs", and how much carbs is good for a diabetic, AND which food types are car "carbs", combined with an understanding of "good" vs "bad" carbs ....

It then becomes a matter of choosing which carbs you want with your meal, rather than what you cant have ....

Part of this evolution was to explore the various other non-carb food sources - - - you then end up with so many nice choices that you have too much food, and before long I ended with "carb-free" plates. :shock2: Purely because I was eating the nice options from the healthy list.

Spoke to the dietitian ... and got a mouthful !! BALANCED eating is eating the correct portions of each food group ..... my blood tests would suggest this lady knows her game. :shh:
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Baasvark »

ChrisF wrote:
Baasvark wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2017 6:44 pm Well done!

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk
And when you do pop in for that braai, it will be a nice steak and salad ..... :mocking: :shh:

if you want carbs, that could be arranged as well :lmao:

Used to go through 10kg bag of potatoes per month .... have used less than 3kg total in the last 18 months. :o:
Image Image Image don't worry about the carbs - I happen to enjoy steak & salad!

Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

Aint it ironic that "Common Sense" aint so common after all...
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Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by dalkill »

just stumbled on this old thread now.

last year Oct , diagnosed with type 2 .
Doc just randomly took my sugar, and he looked at me, and say go straight to hospital.

Hospital does check... sugar at 30 !! nurse tells me i should be in coma
HbA1c / Average 3 month test ... 19!!

They start to book me in, stuff me with insulin, and in 2 hrs comes down to 19. Send me home.. I was like what ??!!? I'm sure these hospitals have agreement with medical aids only to admit if a person literally has one foot in the grave.

over the past few months ... been up and down. try to stick to wholewheat break , but rice and potatoes is my vice. As a malay family , rice dishes is our main staple.
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1990 hilux DC 2.2 4x4 (Jun 2008 - Jul 2011) aka Buraaq II
1997 corolla 160i GLE (Feb 2007 - Sep 2009) aka Green Goblin
1990 GLI twincam (still my fav rolla) (Oct 2005 - Mar 2007) aka Wit Blitz
Golf GTI 2.0 (temp insanity for 2months) (Jun 2005 - Aug 2005) aka A mistake
1993 hilux SC 2.2 4x4 (April 2003 - Sept 2005) aka Buraaq

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LR4WD, Lockers, Crawler Gears
LR4WD, Lockers, Crawler Gears
Posts: 1376
Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:45 pm
Town: Virginia
Vehicle: '97 D/C with all the trimmings & 2011 Troopy
Real Name: Shane

Re: Diabetes... a new healthier life style ...

Post by Baasvark »

There is a lot of info out there.

Because I suffer from gout and knee problems, I have done a lot of research. I have studied the vegetarian diets as well as the more meat based ones.

Ultimately diet plays a HUGE role in your health.
I know - DUH! But it's interesting what docters out there have to say about diabetes, cholestrol, obesity etc..... Not always what we've been told!

Ultimately I understand that one may have a certain type of diet that has deep cultural roots.

But sometimes we need to make the change due to health issues.

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Aint it ironic that "Common Sense" aint so common after all...
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