Thats the way I like it

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Thats the way I like it

Post by george »

DURBAN - Die hoof van die KwaZulu-Natalse natuurbewaringsdienste, Bandile Mkhize, het die praktyk om gif in renosterhoring te spuit, verdedig.
Mkhize sê al die wetlike aspekte van die beleid is dééglik nagegaan.
Hy het belanghebbendes in bewaring by die Tembe Olifantpark in KwaZulu-Natal toegespreek.
KwaZulu-Natal se renosterbevolking is by die 4000. ‘n Totaal van 618 renosters is reeds in Suid-Afrika doodgemaak – 63 van hulle in KwaZulu-Natal .
"Volgens ons inligting word renosterhoring vir gewaande medisinale doeleindes gebruik en in baie gevalle word medikasie oraal ingeneem. Ons probeer verhoéd dat renosterhoring op hierdie manier ingeneem word …want dit sal baie slegte gevolge hê”, het Mkhize gesê.
-SAUK ... terhorings
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Re: Thats the way I like it

Post by Ali3n »

:clap: :clap: :clap: :thumbup:
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Re: Thats the way I like it

Post by MOFASA »

:thumbup: :thumbup:
Live Life in the FAST lane....
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Re: Thats the way I like it

Post by Mud Dog »

Good! :thumbup:

However, IMO the horns should not be marked to indicate they have been poisoned. The reason why I say this is two-fold.

Firstly the poachers will know which ones to avoid and target the rest .... there's no way that all horns throughout SA (and neighbouring states) will be poisoned.

Secondly, they should use a variety of poisons in each location and perhaps even leave some without poison. These syndicates / "refiners" / distributors make mega bucks from this poaching practise and once they know a horn is poisoned they can grind it and treat it chemically to neutralise the poison before distribution and the extra cost to them is small. But if the horns are not marked and are treated with a variety of poisons, they will have to grind and do a chemical analysis on each individual horn in order to determine what neutralisation process to use. That will push their costs up quite a bit more and it will either become less lucrative for them, or they will have to pass the extra costs on to their consumers and since the end cost of the 'product' is already exorbitant, it might put it out of reach of many, reducing demand. :think:
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Re: Thats the way I like it

Post by Froll »

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Thats the way I like it

Post by Cleaner »

Don't poison the Horns - What would have the opposite effect of Viagra? Dose it with that!!

That way the end customer will have no satisfaction (Pun intended) and might get so weewee'd off that he will take his frustration up the line and "poach" some of the distributors, who might get weewee'd off that they will go the same route, all the way back to the poachers, who will die out like the Rhino's are dying out.

Day dream over...
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