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What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:40 pm
by Baasvark
After reading the posts w.r.t membership I asked myself the following question:

What has the Hilux Club/forum meant to me and how has it impacted my life (if at all)?

Well it's quite simple really. I bought my first SFA 5 years ago. At the time I wasn't aware of this forum and happened to stumble across it one day when surfing the net.

As a result of many of the topics discussed here I have become aware of a whole world that I knew existed but never really considered!

Thanks to this forum I have undertaken some significant firsts like my first official 4x4 trail, overhauling an engine myself (considering my serious lack of mechanical talents :lol: ), replacing clutches, servicing power steering pumps (didn't pan out so well :lol: )pulling gearboxes, installing suspensions and probably a couple more I haven't mentioned.

All of which I would never have attempted had it not been for the info provided and example set by many members here.

Might not sound very impressive to most of you but considering that I never used to believe in "sukkeling" with a vehicle - if it had niggles I sold it and bought another! So this has been a huge change in mindset - SFA's are rarely niggle free :twisted:

Anyhow, eventually I officially joined the club. I guess just doing the effort of registering and paying over the (measly) R100 membership fee had been too much trouble before.

But I realised that I had gained a lot of info from this forum, which probably would not have existed had it not been for the club, and that for the forum to continue and serve others as it had served me - the right thing would be to do the effort and pay the 100 bucks.

After all, this goes towards running costs and keeping the forum available to all.

So I challenge you to consider what you have gained from this forum and to post it here.

It would be interesting to see what the result is and probably the best thank-you to those who started it all.

:boss: :boss: :boss:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:58 pm
by george
Sjoe.What a post :thumbup:
I met some awesome people. Actually the forum had a influence on my life. Dont know if it is good all the time :twisted:
BUT I met Pieter through the forum and now I am staying in Langebaan.Life changing...

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:31 pm
by Baasvark
23 views and only 1 reply.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:45 pm
by Oupa Stig
I joined the forum because I had a question regarding 12v camping freezers.
Then I saw:
1. The wealth of info available to all from a wide range of sources.
2. The good spirit in which that info is made available.
3. The sense of cameraderie amongst the guys.

And I thought: I want to be part of this, even with my 4x2.
It's gone so far now, I'm buying a 4x4. (for the family ... Yeah, right)

My KZ is not young anymore, and the obvious value of the forum is advice on my KZ.

But the less obvious value (warning - soppyness alert) is that I can sit and browse here in the evenings while I sit with my special needs boy as he goes to sleep (no-one else can get him to sleep), and enjoy the positive spirit here, because my little family faces many challenges, and positivity is sometimes hard to come by.
Here I can daydream about one day having enough bucks to not only take care of my kid for the rest of his ENTIRE natural life (think about that), but also enough bucks to spend on a vehicle with which I can take him and the rest of my family to those secluded places we so love.

Here I can daydream of building a new and better canopy (my first attempt was done blindly, with zero reference to other canopies - it still works great, but there's PLENTY room for improvement).
I can daydream of building a bullbar and sliders for my own 4x4.
I have the plans, all in my brain, and I haul them out almost every evening as I sit here with Calvin.

Tomorrow I'm taking our prospective new (well, old, but for us new) 2.7 d/c 4x4 out to de Wildt, just me and the missus, sommer spending a night in one of their cottages, to see if the bakkie's 4x4 bits all go round and round as they should. If they do, some of those dreams might become a bit more real.

Amazing how a group of people you've never met (except for llSarge - sort of, I see him almost every morning on the way to work, and we each raise a hand), can resonate so thoroughly with your own ideals.
I look forward to the forum every day, so much so that my wife has gone beyond irritation about it to teasing me about it. But for me it's just a bit of lekker life away from my everyday worries.
(and for Pete's sake, before someone sends the okes in white jackets with the tranquilisers, my life is no more stressful than any one else's!)

In short: I like the forum.
If the 2.7 works as it should, I'll be joining the club too, and haul my boy along to some of the club meets. He'd love it, and so would I.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:52 pm
by george
Mickey.RESPECT :welcome:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:53 pm
by Oupa Stig
Naw, George: respect to the forum and all who makes it what it is.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:15 pm
by Mud Dog
I was busy typing my response below while Mickey posted - now I feel my words are inadequate since Mickey encapsulated it all so well! :thumbup:
I'll submit my post nonetheless ............

Yoh! Agree with George's "What a post"!

Absolutely great to hear what you have accomplished that you may not have otherwise - it gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling inside and a sense of pride. It's not that I'm claiming any credit here, it's just that it feels great to have been a part of it thus far, the real stars are all the members that share their knowledge and expertise. It's like the age old adage .... "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for life".

What has it meant for me personally? Besides the feeling of pride and the sense of belonging to something worthwhile, I realised at an early point after joining up I had become a Hilux forum addict :D: , not just because of the legendary vehicle but more so because of the awesome members and camaraderie that has made this become a home from home. I have gained another family and countless friends nation wide that I would never have otherwise had. I too have gained knowledge here even though I have done my own maintenance and repairs on every vehicle I have owned since leaving school some 40 yrs ago. The forum and club have been a refuge from the stresses of life and at times the creator of stress when things looked like they were falling apart and my other family was in turmoil - I still don't fully understand why I care so deeply for this unity of people, most of whom I have never met and perhaps never will.

Shane, just a quick history lesson - the forum came first and from that evolved the club. Pieter "PietPetoors" is the father of both and it has been a pleasure, privilege and an elation to watch them grow while being a part of it - thank you again, Pieter! :thumbup:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:39 am
by Baasvark
@ Andy, thanks for the history lesson :) Thanks Pietpetoors for taking the iniative when you did!

@ Mickey, you brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye mate.

It's ironic how we often share similar dreams. There might be those who feel we are now treading on too much emotional ground but isn't that why we keep on coming back to he forum?

Whether it's passion for your vehicle, a special needs child, escape from stress and a little day dreaming - it doesn't matter.

We all have these needs (some are just too "butch & manly" to admit it online.)

Mickey I hope you come right with your purchase. I want to make a point of meeting you personally in the new year!

Keep on dreaming mate, it's what keeps us sane!

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:02 am
by ThysdJ
Baasvark wrote:23 views and only 1 reply.
You said it all... we have nothing to add... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: besides "DITTO!!".. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:10 am
by LouisZ
We share a simple but yet a very nice world that our 4x4 will takes us far and beyond. By this we meet people that share.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:53 am
by b4runner
This coming from an American a few thousand miles away.

I enjoy reading about your offroad adventures and how you have set up your trucks for long range travel.
SA got trucks Americans drool over- Turbo Diesel, Straight Axle 4 door trucks. Yes I have some truck envy :mrgreen:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:14 pm
by Mud Dog
b4runner wrote:This coming from an American a few thousand miles away.

I enjoy reading about your offroad adventures and how you have set up your trucks for long range travel.
SA got trucks Americans drool over- Turbo Diesel, Straight Axle 4 door trucks. Yes I have some truck envy :mrgreen:
:laugh2: :laugh2:

Easy solution Robb - emigrate! :D:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:50 pm
by dd6
I like older vehicles. So the fact that there is a whole crowd that shares the love for a SFA (even if I don't have one), is awesome! The knowledge shared and advice given are things that just makes life easier. I wish the outside world could still work that way. It is nice to help other people. Thank you Pieter, you are responsible for great things!!!

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:12 pm
by Sun Chaser
I stumbled across the forum while looking for info about my Lux a few years ago, and ever since then have been hooked. I love the fact that even tho I have never met most of the members, when I post a comment or ask a question, there will always be a few guys that will comment or go out of their way to help resolve a problem. There is an underlying friendship from just having that common ground for the love of the outdoors and of course Toyota's. :celebrate:
It has meant alot to be able to give and receive knowledge and experiences from a likeminded bunch of people.
Thanx to all for making the forum what it is today, A Place To Share. :thumbup:
Cheers :bye:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:43 pm
by Froll
ThysdJ wrote:
Baasvark wrote:23 views and only 1 reply.
You said it all... we have nothing to add... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: besides "DITTO!!".. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

+1 :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:23 pm
by CasKru
So amazing to hear that the feelings I have towards the forum and all the members is shared by so many. Respect. Since joining almost 7 years ago, it's been my home away from home, my escape from reality, man cave if you will.

I've made so many new friends, life long friends.

I searched the web for answers on the rear brakes on my van and a whole new wonderful world opened up for me when google pointed me this way. It's been awesome to be part of every mod, road trip, purchase of new bakkie, sharing of 4x4 trails etc. The best is also the sharing of our own families growing and reading how peoples dreams and hopes get fulfilled.

Heck, the forum even helped me won a Hilux.

Thanks Pieter for the initiative you had in creating the forum and thank you to my forum family for the home from home

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:50 pm
by Family_Dog
All of the above - very well put. This place is a "home from home" ;)


Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:36 pm
by The Legend
Family_Dog wrote:All of the above - very well put. This place is a "home from home" ;)


Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:06 pm
by pietpetoors
The forum became an extended family to me.

I am a DIY guy and I think the thing that gives me the most pleasure is to see when guys, who never fix or build something themselves, become DIY people. If you can do things for yourself, life is just so much easier and it is really nice to see how many guys over the past years started fixing their own vehicles and building their own gadgets.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:09 pm
by Donkey
I've always loved being outdoors, and for years I dreamt of owning a 4x4 especially for going home (Lesotho), I have always shared this drea with a cousin of mine, unknown to the forum. Because I only drive Toyota, the choice was obvious. Another Toyota. Bought the truck and only then joined the club. Truck stolen within a week, bought another one.

First outing I knew nothing about 4x4 but was welcomed with warm hearts. I remember oom Hennie Jackson was still very active. This is my home and a lot I have learnt about the game, I learnt here. Made a lot of friends, met a lot of families and have been welcomed in many a Hilux household. The forum does not see colour, age, status in society, etc cos we all share a similar lifestyle and passion. A lot of times I so wish this lovely country was like this.

Thanks to all for making it so worthwhile.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:48 pm
by CasKru
Donkey wrote:I've always loved being outdoors, and for years I dreamt of owning a 4x4 especially for going home (Lesotho), I have always shared this drea with a cousin of mine, unknown to the forum. Because I only drive Toyota, the choice was obvious. Another Toyota. Bought the truck and only then joined the club. Truck stolen within a week, bought another one.

First outing I knew nothing about 4x4 but was welcomed with warm hearts. I remember oom Hennie Jackson was still very active. This is my home and a lot I have learnt about the game, I learnt here. Made a lot of friends, met a lot of families and have been welcomed in many a Hilux household. The forum does not see colour, age, status in society, etc cos we all share a similar lifestyle and passion. A lot of times I so wish this lovely country was like this.

Thanks to all for making it so worthwhile.
Looked quite snazy with the Club shirt on this weekends 4x4 Show

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:28 pm
by Haboob
Ditto to all +

adding five ($)dollar words to my three ($)dollar vocabulary (thanks Andy-he always manages to throw something in)

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:04 pm
by ChrisF
WOW, how do one add to what was said already without sounding cheezy ....

My storey is a bit different ... I was on this forum even before I knew this forum existed. 2008 I attended the inter-club day, and after the event some guys were playing on the obstables. A Landy got slightly hung up on a bit of hill .... being brand new to the gamee I chased the officials away and set about "recovering" the Landy with my JIMNY .... this storey made onto this forum - with some strong comments about this not being a real recovery.

About 6 months later I bought a Hilux, now affectionately known as ELDERS. Family-Dog promptly informed me I better join here .... :)

The rest is a very pleasant history !! :) :)

SO nice to see how "strangers" stand together to help others.

Yesterday we came out of Gifberg - now a 3+ trail, going on 4 .... My neighbour in his standard Prado 120 mandaged some damage to the rock sliders on the way down - with only one way up ... let's just his wife was LESS than happy .... I put on my brave face, made SURE of my tire pressures and led the way out, crawling up, carefull to not loose traction, even more careful to not dig holes an make it even more difficult. Me got out without any damage :).

l'd love to thank those that have provided driving info here

DIY ... well. THANKS to Family-Dog for pointing me to the spotlight thread !! Since then I have had the privilage of paying-it-forward. And sone of you have seen my other DIY threads. :)

SO NICE to spend time with like minded people.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:27 pm
by Obelix and Dogmatix
CasKru wrote:
Donkey wrote:I've always loved being outdoors, and for years I dreamt of owning a 4x4 especially for going home (Lesotho), I have always shared this drea with a cousin of mine, unknown to the forum. Because I only drive Toyota, the choice was obvious. Another Toyota. Bought the truck and only then joined the club. Truck stolen within a week, bought another one.

First outing I knew nothing about 4x4 but was welcomed with warm hearts. I remember oom Hennie Jackson was still very active. This is my home and a lot I have learnt about the game, I learnt here. Made a lot of friends, met a lot of families and have been welcomed in many a Hilux household. The forum does not see colour, age, status in society, etc cos we all share a similar lifestyle and passion. A lot of times I so wish this lovely country was like this.

Thanks to all for making it so worthwhile.
Looked quite snazy with the Club shirt on this weekends 4x4 Show
What is this thing Cassie is reffering to 'club shirt'??

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:46 pm
by Obelix and Dogmatix
I suppose after chirping Cassie about the club shirt, I now have to post what this club means to me..

ENDLESS MONEY PIT!!!, with lots of headaches and not the correct type of moaning (sorry mods)

Let me explain,

The people on this club are extremely selfish (read selfless) in that they will freely share all manner of advice (solicited and unsolicited) because they now the result and are thinking why should I be the only man whose wife shouts at him regarding money matters (read you spent what on that truck again!!!!(at least she got the truck part right)).

But at least the Club has also giving the correct headache tablets (read fresh air with new mates somewhere in the bush with some headache relieving water, barley and hops medicine.)

But now you at least have a vehicle that you can use to visit those far off bush place that the moaner in your life can moan in the correct manner "going home already!!"

gentlemen (if I am allowed to call this bunch of mates and mates that I have not yet met this) for those that can not read between the lines


Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:30 pm
by subok
Confession time. Initially it was to obtain an ORRA licence, but subsequently I found a group of fantastic people willing to share and listen. I appreciate the focus on the Hilux, and not on sideshows...great forum to belong to!

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:51 am
by Donkey
CasKru wrote:
Donkey wrote:I've always loved being outdoors, and for years I dreamt of owning a 4x4 especially for going home (Lesotho), I have always shared this drea with a cousin of mine, unknown to the forum. Because I only drive Toyota, the choice was obvious. Another Toyota. Bought the truck and only then joined the club. Truck stolen within a week, bought another one.

First outing I knew nothing about 4x4 but was welcomed with warm hearts. I remember oom Hennie Jackson was still very active. This is my home and a lot I have learnt about the game, I learnt here. Made a lot of friends, met a lot of families and have been welcomed in many a Hilux household. The forum does not see colour, age, status in society, etc cos we all share a similar lifestyle and passion. A lot of times I so wish this lovely country was like this.

Thanks to all for making it so worthwhile.
Looked quite snazy with the Club shirt on this weekends 4x4 Show

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:47 pm
by 4x4Maniac
I've been driving Hiluxes over 10 years now and initially asked a question on rear bearings for my second Hilux. Did not even think on joining the club. Then i was on the lookout for like minded people to go on the odd trail. Never did I think it will become my family. That was all a couple of years ago yet it still feels like yesterday. I don't even drive a Hilux anymore but this is still my Home and Family. Thanks all for making both the forum and club FaNtAsTiC!

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:35 am
by louis fourie
Just after I bought my Hilux in 2008 I replaced the clutch. I did not have the needed torque settings and asked the wife to check out uncle Google. She found the forum, subscribed and the rest is history......I must actually go search for that first thread:idea:.

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:53 am
by pietpetoors
I must actually go search for that first thread:idea:.
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4942&p=54629#p54629" onclick=";return false;

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:55 am
by louis fourie
pietpetoors wrote:
I must actually go search for that first thread:idea:.
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4942&p=54629#p54629" onclick=";return false;
Yip, daais die één

Re: What has the Hilux Club/Forum meant to you?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:31 pm
by 4x4BEES
This club has given me the pleasure of attending my very first 4x4 outing at Atlantis dunes (thanks oom Thys),
My first mountain trail at Welgelegen farm and my first outing for a day in a 4.0V6 Hilux at Rawsonville as passanger (thanks Eben-Warrior)

Being a complete novice I have learned quite a lot on this forum and continue doing so.