This information is readily available in the "Club" section but I get many enquiries about how one should licence VHF radios. So here goes:
The Hilux Club has been granted three national ("Roving") VHF Frequencies by ICASA. These three frequencies are the same as those in use by ORRA, thus if you are a paid-up member of the Hilux Club, you will now no longer be required to licence your radios through ORRA.
All Hilux Club members are eligible for a Club User Authority to use the Club VHF radio channels at no additional cost but there are a few steps required to obtain this user authority:
1. You first have to register as a Club Member. If you are not yet a Club Member, please register here:
This application normally becomes effective within 48 hours of your signing and paying the annual Club fees as directed. Once your payment reflects in the Club’s Bank account, your membership is activated and your username appears in BLUE. The contents of the Club Forum are now available to you.
2. You now need to register your VHF radios on the Club Database as indicated here:
The 'HC' Licence numbers are automatically generated to you as you register your radios into the Club database. You require this number for your licence, as without this HC number, the database cannot generate a VHF radio licence in your name, so please do this step first before submitting the form for your licence. The HCxxx number now becomes your call-sign.
Please take note that only Commercial VHF radios as approved by ICASA are eligible for this, no Amateur (“Ham”) Radios are approved by ICASA for Commercial use. If in doubt, ask me.
Please note you must first log into the Hilux Club section here:
Once you have logged in, you will need to click on the "Radio Licencing" tab ." onclick=";return false;
You will now get a screen similar to this:
Please complete the form after entering your ID number, updating, and then typing the radio information in the prescribed fields, before finally updating. At this point you will be allocated a Club Call Sign, HCxxx. This means that your radios are now registered on to the Club Database and you can now complete the VHF application Form (refer red font on the" onclick=";return false; page).
NB: Please be aware that the Hilux Club and the Hilux4x4 Forum are two separate entities: You will need to register on both in order to register your radios on the Club Database, which is hosted by the Forum.
When you register your radios, you will automatically receive a “HC***” Call Sign, this is unique to you. This call sign will now replace your previous ORRA call sign. Please remember to update your profile with this in the forum.
3. After registering your radios, you now need to download and complete the PDF application form which will grant you the right to use the Club frequencies. This is available once you click the RED link on the Club Membership page, All fields please, including your HC call sign number that you received in step 2 above. There is no need to first print out the form, simply type the data directly into the fields, then save the completed form before emailing it to me at or Please ask me for the Verification letter to be emailed to you if you wish to have your radios programmed or updated.
** Please ensure that you have filled in the field requiring your HC number - no user Authority can be granted unless this is done and your radios are registered on the database. You do not have to sign or print the form, simply type directly into all the fields in the form and then save it under your real name before emailing it to me.
NOTE: The "Forum Name" field refers to your Username on the forum, not the 'Hilux Club'.
Club Membership is R160 per year and your Club VHF licences are included in this fee, i.e. you will now no longer need to renew through ORRA. The VHF frequencies and tones are exactly the same as for ORRA channels 1 to 9, but with an additional two channels programmed exclusively for Hilux Club members, i.e. eleven channels in all.
The VHF Licence is valid for 12 months from date of your membership of the Club and the dates are reflected in the Letter of Authority which is then sent to you once the radios are registered on the Database.
Happy chatting!