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Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:51 am
by HoHo
I have a 2018 2.8gd6 4x4
The vehicle loses power under load when operating in soft sand/ beach.
Has anyone had the same problem and if so what is the solution?

Re: Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:45 pm
by pietpetoors
Turn the traction control off, look for the Traction Control OFF button. It has a picture of the drunken driver with the word OFF beneath it.

tracktion-control-off.JPG (40.04 KiB) Viewed 2717 times

Re: Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:40 pm
by Niklaasie
Die manne wat duine kan ry, het ons geleer - hou daai knoppie (Traction Control Off) in vir 10 sekondes, anders sit hy self weer aan.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:33 pm
by pietpetoors
Dankie, daar leer jy my nou iets.

Re: Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:48 pm
by dalkill
So last night i was chatting to Thabo about my bakkie search. Damn was bad time to sell :cry:

anyhow, he mentioned V6 consideration which i have not been blind to. my previous hiluxes were all petrol.

Positives for diesel, lighter on fuel, much more understressed engine, but if something breaks

Positives for petrol. cheaper to maintain , less likely for injector failure.

I think the V6 has closed the gap in terms of the engine being understressed. still not running at 2500 rpm @ 120 kph relaxed as D4D, but i'm sure it way better than the 2.2 and 2.7 petrols.

I have read the V6 is about same consumption as the 2.7 but just way more power.

So now back to the topic of this thread. How bad is sand driving for diesel engine.

From from 6.10 into the video, listen to those diesels scream. I have been in one or two of those situations myself. Where the sand got thick on me fast.
Obviously deflating was the first option. But i just held onto my wallet as i had to thrash the diesel at about 4000 rpm to keep the momentum up.

Now obviously i don't do this often. in the 6 years, i found myself in this type of situation 2 or 3 times.

One would think the choice for me is clear cut then. V6 and floor the thing. But unfortunately budgets has to be considered.

Traditionally petrol bakkie was cheaper. Which made up for the extra fuel costs and in the end, they all even each other out.
But now with the V6 being same or even more expensive (revo model) than the diesel, what to do now.

When car manufacturers test diesel engines , do they actually run it at 4000 rpm for short bursts to check the damage being done to the turbo?

Re: Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:21 pm
by Thabogrobler
Hi Shakir,

Modern diesels can take the punch - to run a few minutes at 4000rpm will do no harm.

Re: Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:41 pm
by Mud Dog
When I was with the military in SWA and Angola we used to do continuous eight hour (plus) runs through that soft sand with unimogs, buffels, hippo's, elands and samils ...... all diesels with wheels, not tracks .... in 30°+. And those things were heavy as well. No problems and I seriously doubt that they were running at revs as high as 4000rpm.

I have to imagine that the superior torque of a diesel motor helps a lot with the drag created by soft sand. Dune chasing may be a little different where you really need the revs but for general sand driving I think that diesel has an advantage over petrol.

Re: Soft Sand Driving

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:27 am
by niclemaitre
All (modern) engines have rev limiters for a reason. It'll be fine.